Coronavirus is raging out in the U.S. of A. right now, even as countries around the world figure out how to keep the virus contained. It involves paying people money so they can stay home and not spread it around so that one day we can reopen again instead of continually reopening slightly then closing again then repeat. Well, summer is open, so Donald Trump is insisting on reopening schools in preparation for when they inevitably have to be closed again. Because if there’s one thing kids are good at it’s not washing their hands.
Some states have been left to decide for themselves if they will open their schools or keep them online. Some schools have left it to parents to decide. It’s a pretty difficult choice, especially for people who have to work outside the home. There may simply be nowhere else for their child to go. It’s an incredibly tragic situation, really, especially as people will literally get sick and die. Teachers, administration, custodians, and yes, actual children, supposedly the country’s most precious resource.
How are people dealing with this nightmare? 2020 Back To School Memes, of course! Some of the most self-aware folks on the Internet are Gen Z teens who are facing a return to school or four years on Zoom University. The way these young people deal with pain is by turning it into funny memes and they’re doing great with that. Parents seemed to have learned something about memes the last few months, too. Let’s laugh to keep from screaming: