Another day, another random thing to try and unpack on the Internet. The online world has many communities, some established, some rising out of nowhere. The VSCO girl a rare combination of both. She was just someone who used the VSCO photo app, but her identity has become much more complex.
In fact, you could be a VSCO girl and not even know it!
Their characteristics have moved beyond the use of an app to clothes, sunsets, and environmentalism. The VSCO girl contains multitudes!
So, what is a VSCO Girl?
It began with an app. VSCO is a photo editor and it helps with making your pictures extra perfect for the ‘gram. A girl who uses VSCO cares a lot about how things look on her Instagram, which is why she goes to the trouble of editing them out of app.
But everyone using an app develops a certain look across social media channels, and a lot of people using it have something in common: they’re kinda basic. This is seen as a positive thing, however, because VSCO girls are very supportive of one another.
vsco is such a positive environment: wanna constant post ab your boyf? yes girl you go. wanna only post ab your pup? heck yes we’re here for this. wanna post ab every meal you eat? plz gal I wanna see that açaí bowl. it allows you to be who you are w no judgment & that’s amazing
— madeleine morris (@madrmorris) July 2, 2018
VSCO girls like what they like with no shame. So, what do they like?
VSCO Girl Aesthetic
The aesthetic of a VSCO girl is very influenced by what looks good or is popular on Instagram. It’s very important for things to be in pastel or cheerful colors, to look slightly nostalgic, and like all fashion these days, to remind you of the 90s.
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Things should be pretty and very photogenic, just like them.
VSCO Girl Accessories
There are a lot of things that come with being a VSCO girl, but a few signs that you may be one is if you’re wearing scrunchies and friendship bracelets day and day out. You can’t go anywhere without an armful of both:
Homecoming Spirit Week! Trendy Tuesday! #VSCOGirl #LearningWithDragons #NKCHomecoming2019 #NKCHoCo19 @ChouteauSchool
— Sarah Lara (@LaraTrioMom) September 24, 2019
You probably throw all your stuff into a Kanken backpack:
They also love water bottle, puka shell jewelry, and reusable straws:
That’s because the VSCO girls are environmentalists. Well, that doesn’t explain the puka shell thing.
VSCO Girl Causes
Caring about the environment is a big VSCO girl signifier, especially their obsession with turtles. This was probably born from the viral video of a turtle with a plastic straw stuck up its nose. Theses girls care about saving the turtles and hopefully that interest will extend to less cute things, like reducing carbon emissions. They do talk a lot about turtles and their water bottle now:
-Use paper/metal straws (save the turtles 🤭🐢)
— VSCO tips (@WomenProfile) September 14, 2019
VSCO Girl Style
The VSCO girl is totally casual. She has messy hair with the scrunchie in place, usually wears an oversized t-shirt, and wears very little (noticeable) make up. They mostly just wear clear lip gloss or basic chapstick:
I don’t know why and where was begining this trend but now this is a vsco lipstick “Carmex”
— girls_vsco (@girlsvsco1) September 15, 2019
Though she does care a LOT about skincare, just like the rest of us:
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She is sort of like the granola hippie chick reworked for the social media generation.
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VSCO Girl Shoes
In fact, she’s so casual that she wears Crocs on a daily basis. Comfort is key for the VSCO girl. Vans are also very important to her feet.
A very big vsco trend is the shoes from Vans ✨
— girls_vsco (@girlsvsco1) September 15, 2019
She’s ready to walk anywhere and doesn’t need fancy sneakers or, god forbid high heels. Even Ariana Grande is down with the Crocs trend:
VSCO Girl Activities
The Vans are also popular because they’re a skating shoe. A lot of VSCO girls skate, maybe because it’s the perfect outdoor activity for just soaring through life, taking in the sites, and shooting a few cute pics:
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They also love to surf:
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They’re just chill outdoorsy types!
VSCO Girl Slang
The VSCO girls are as plugged into the language of the Internet as anyone, so they’ve taken on some verbal ticks. There is a hint of cultural appropriation to the VSCO girl. First, they love literally saying “SKSKSK” which is supposed to represent slamming on your keyboard, and first became a thing on Black Twitter, though some say it’s a joke started LGBTQ people:
cultural impact:
█ _
Gays inventing VSCO girls
Skskskksksk stealing sksksks
from gays— Rybik (@Bratrot) September 19, 2019
They also say “oop” a lot, which originated from a meme of Jasmine Masters that’s very popular online. It’s honestly a bit weird to hear out loud:
no one:
absolutely not a soul:
vsco girls:— vic (@chilloutvic) August 9, 2019
As you can see, the VSCO girls are somewhat ripe for parody, which has led to the:
VSCO Girl Memes
Lots of people now dress up as, mock, and post videos of what they think a VSCO girl is. Some of them are pretty funny, some are a bit mean, but all are totally obsessed.
Shostak gana #VSCOgirl
— Maestra Miller (@MaestraMiller_) September 24, 2019
Vsco girls unite #hoco
— Kian Hite (@HiteKian) September 24, 2019
The VSCO girl can’t be chased away by your mockery, fellas. She’s too busy skating into the sunset.