Job Hunter Is Called About An Interview In August For A Job She Applied For In April — “Babes, I Have Moved On”

We’ve all been there: sending out applications like digital messages in bottles, hoping for a callback that sometimes seems as elusive as a unicorn. And then, just as you’ve mentally moved on and are sipping your cup of patience, the phone rings with an employer on the line, seemingly unfazed by the calendar’s passage of time.

Recently, one job hunter, Erika Spondike (@erikaspondike), shared an instance of being called about an interview in August for a job she applied for in April.

“When a job you applied for in April emails you in August asking when you can schedule an interview.”

“Hate to break it to you babe but i have in fact moved on.”


hate to break it to you babe but i have in fact moved on #jobinterview #linkedin #interview #work #erikaspondike #makeitmakesense

♬ Only One (Originally Performed by Nicki Minaj Ft. Drake) – Studio One Project

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