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Dad Who Cut Daughter’s Hair Off Because She Wouldn’t Brush It Asks If He Overreacted

Parents make mistakes and some of those mistakes will be fodder for therapy on a slow week someday. I’m guessing the daughter of Redditor u/Imnotyourbuddytool will one day discuss the moment her dad chopped off all her hair—BECAUSE I REMEMBER WHEN MINE DID. This story was triggering.

This dad, at least, seems to recognize he didn’t handle things well. He asked for advice on r/Parenting, saying he’s a single father with a seven-year-old daughter. Until recently, his little girl had hair down to her belly button and he could not get her to take care of it:

I’ve warned her over the last year that if she doesn’t start brushing her hair at least twice a day, we’re getting it cut shorter. Every morning is a battle. I’ve talked to her mom about it and she agreed that I can get it cut if she doesn’t take responsibility for her cleanliness.

He adds that he understands the struggle because he also has long hair. He’s tried to go over with her how to care for it and demonstrated on himself. But she just wouldn’t buckle down and do the work.

This morning after yet another argument, I did it. I cut her hair to about an inch below her shoulders. She was devastated. She continued to cry for another hour as I drove her to my parents place to watch her as I went to work. My mother and my sister both got very upset with me. My mom told me I’m going to ruin my daughter if I don’t start taking parenting classes and that cutting her hair was completely unnecessary.

This dad asked the group if he overreacted. He also said, “Please don’t be afraid to criticize,” so he was really ready to get dragged. But folks were pretty understanding.

A lot of them said that he shouldn’t have cut her hair in the heat of the moment, because it does come off like a punishment, but it’s understandable that it was time to cut. The reality is that small children aren’t ready for this stuff sometimes, and it’s better to eliminate a source of stress and arguments. 

Dad took everyone’s advice to heart and shared an update. First, he clarified that he has tried to take her to the hairdresser, but they were booked out. He’s also tried leave-in conditioner and combs, and he was willing to do the brushing, but it always led to fights. But he’s learned his lesson:

I will never again cut her hair, and I have apologized to her already, but she seems to have bounced back already. She’s not upset anymore. I guess the initial trauma struck her hard this morning. With differing opinions on what actions I should have taken, I think what I can learn from this is to set clear boundaries and consequences and always follow through with a cool head.

A cool head. Hair cut. Dads and their puns!

More single dads:

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