“What’s The Most Horrible, Ridiculous Name You’ve Heard Parents Give Their Children?” — 34 People Respond

31. A real bummer backstory from HiJane72:

Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii. Yes that really was her name – her parents lost custody of her (yes way!) so her name could be legally changed. In NZ we are not allowed to name children after royalty (e.g. no King, Count, Earl etc) but sure go ahead and name your kid Number 16 Bus Shelter….Proof – http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/546018/Court-orders-name-change and https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10523288

32. This incredibly good name if she ends up hot from sisof2:

I know a girl named Random. While at an Easter egg hunt years ago (eggs were labeled for each kid), I took the eggs labeled Random thinking they were up for grabs. Random’s parents were unamused to say the least. Maybe they should have considered the consequences before picking that dreadful name.

33. It took less than 5 minutes for kids to realize it rhymes with tinkle– from ninja_6ix9ine

Sprinkle cause she looked like a little sprinkle when she was born…so they say

34. I think the issue I’m having is that I know how to read– from bandaidfortheheart

Stuvwxy.. pronounced as Sky….

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