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Here Are Some Comforting Facts Because Reality Isn’t 100% Awful (20 Facts)

There are lots of reasons to be terrified right now, but what if we just stood back for a minute and thought of some things are not terrifying? No scary what-ifs, just comforting facts about our lives.

Some Redditors contributed to just such a thread, filled with simple, comforting facts. Most of them are adorable things about animals and animal behavior (because let’s face it, animals bring joy to our lives just by existing). Some are more profound, some are inspirational. But if you’re having a rough day, it might help just to know that toads can eat bread. 


“Crows and ravens love to play in snow.” — Shadowkiller215


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“Cheetahs are very shy animals. So some zoos give them support dogs like those for humans. It’s the cutest thing ever.” — pxxrthshetty


“Bees take naps in flowers! So yeah, it’s okay to need a nap, even busy bees do.” — ajago12598


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“In dog/wolf movies where they use real life dog actors, the people who have to edit all that sometimes have to add cgi tails because they dogs can’t stop wagging their tail as they are so happy.” — some_random_Potatos


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“Pillow fighting is a real, recognized sport in Canada. It was founded in Toronto in 2004 by the Pillow Fighting League.” — iSnortedHalfOfPeru


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“Stan Lee started creating the Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc at around 40, so even if you think that you can’t get anything out of life, you still can push yourself creatively and leave a lasting impact on the world at an older age.” — DoAFlip22