People Sharing Their Drama-Filled “AITA” Graduation Stories And You Get Be The Judge Of Who The Biggest A-Hole Is (15 Stories)

Add a little family to holidays, weddings, or practically any event that’s supposed to be centered around celebration and you’re going to see how easy it can be turned into pure drama. 

Red And Black Graduation GIF by Washington & Jefferson College - Find & Share on GIPHY

Graduations are no different, and if the AITA subreddit is any indication, there are some seriously f’d-up graduation parties going on out there. 

We’ve compiled the best of the worst so you can weigh in on exactly which ones are beyond the pale.

1. AITA for telling my parents that they are shitty for missing my little sister’s graduation ceremony?

My little sister, Athena, came home from school crying and stomping and refused to speak to me and my parents. I was confused and asked her what was up. She told me to go away, and so I did. I went downstairs and asked my dad, and he had no idea what happened either. I went back to my room and tried to draw conclusions. I thought that maybe she was made fun of again. After all, she is the youngest in her grade and the shortest. I heard her go downstairs and she started shouting at my parents, saying that they missed her graduation ceremony.

My heart sank. At this point, Athena was bawling. She said that all of the parents attended the graduation and that my parents were the only ones who didn’t attend. My parents then tried saying that they didn’t know and how “They didn’t get the email” which is utter BS because my sister told them a week before. My parents tried apologizing but they said it wasn’t their fault, which just made things worse. My sister ran back to her room crying.

About an hour ago, my mom left with her to go get boba as a “sorry gift” which I don’t think will cut it. They missed a very exciting moment in her life, as she is going to middle school next year and didn’t watch her graduate from elementary school. My dad shouted from downstairs, “Y’know why Athena’s upset?” And I responded with something along the lines of, “Ya cuz you missed her fucking graduation! You guys are shitty parents, do better!” And my dad called me an ass because it apparently “wasn’t their fault”. My mom and sister just got back, and she is still crying. Soooo, AITA for calling them shitty??


EDIT: Just to clarify, I was sick today so I couldn’t attend, and my parents left so I assumed they went to it, but they went for a walk instead. My dad asked me if I knew what was wrong in a joking way, and was not being genuine. He clearly knew what was wrong and then went right back to work lol


2. AITA For letting my son wear what he wants to HS Graduation?

My 18 year old son graduates High School tomorrow. I have asked him what he is wearing under the robes and he said just a jeans, t shirt, Vans-nothing fancy. I told him if he changes his mind he can go get something else to wear with my credit card.

My wife (his stepmom) asked me to ask him to wear something nicer and I told her I already suggested it and he is 18 can can wear what he wants as long as it isn’t something obviously horrible. She got pissed at me and said that was a cop out and stormed off.

Her daughter (my stepdaughter) is also graduating and is dressing up, getting her nails done, things like that and I told my wife my son just isn’t super into getting all dressed up for anything. It’s just not his way and he is 18 and capable of deciding for himself things like this.

AITA for letting my son wear what he wants under his robes for High School graduation instead of making him wear slacks, a dress shirt, and tie?


3. AITA for telling my mom not to come to my graduation after she told me to stop pursuing med school and didn’t wish me happy birthday?

I (22F) have been interviewing with various medical schools, but have been receiving rejections or waitlists to all since I applied late. I also applied to one grad program & got accepted. This past Monday was my last interview, and I’d already heard it was for the waitlist so I was leaning toward grad school as it was.

I called my mom (62F) after my interview and told her that I think grad school would be the best option. It’d be a new GPA and a degree to fill the gap between undergrad and medical school. She was against it and went on and on about how I just wasn’t good enough and harping on my grades (not unusual with her). She then said “you should just stop trying to go to medical school and work since you’ve failed already.” When she said that, I stopped her immediately and said “I’m not having this discussion with you. I’m hanging up. Bye.” And I hung up.

I didn’t call the rest of the week. My birthday was this past weekend, and she didn’t call.

Two days ago, she calls while I’m out with bf and asked “what’s your problem?” I tell her I’m fine and I don’t want to talk about it right now, knowing I’m going to say something mean. She kept pushing so I plainly commented about how she couldn’t even call on my birthday. It was a 20 minute phone call. I don’t remember all the details but here’s what I do remember:

– I told her that her comment about me giving up on the one thing I’ve wanted since middle school hurt me. She denied she ever said it.

– She said I needed to call and apologize first for hanging up on her since I was disrespectful.

– I told her she started my disordered thoughts with eating leading to an ED because she’s commented on my weight and size since middle school (I’ve never been more than a size 6). She said this was normal behavior for families.

– She asked if she should divorce my dad? My bf was listening to the call and neither of us know where that came from.

– She claimed I wasn’t listening but anytime she paused to let me speak, she cut me off in the first sentence and tried to talk over me.

Everything culminated in me telling her “If this is how it’s going to be, I don’t want you at my graduation.” She asked me to double down, and I did. We began talking in circles and I was exhausted by the conversation, so I started agreeing with everything she said. She asked if I hated coming home? I said yes. She asked if I wanted to disown her? I said, “I never said that, so that if that’s what you want, fine.” None of this was necessarily true, but she was asking these questions as if it was what she wanted to hear, so I obliged. It ended with her telling me she’ll cancel everything for my graduation and keep the rest of my family & friends from coming. It was emotional & impulsive & I don’t know if I did the right thing or was justified in my actions, so I’ve come here for judgement. AITA?

Edit: Thank you all for the kind words and advice. I appreciate every single one of you, honestly. I didn’t expect this outpouring of support and honestly expected that I’d be deemed the AH and would be apologizing by now. I have a lot of new things to look into and think about. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I feel more at peace now that I have in a long time.


4. AITA for saying I’m okay with my stepdad and his parents not attending my graduation?

My stepdad came into my life when I was 8 years old. I had lost my dad almost a year before. My mom and stepdad married within 7 months of me meeting him. A few days before the wedding they sat me down and told me they would like it if I called him dad, instead of stepdad or his name, and that they would like me to call his parents my grandparents/grandpa/grandpa. At the time I wasn’t really fond of any of them, definitely didn’t love them and wasn’t even sure I liked him, and his parents were almost strangers to me. There was a lot of weirdness around what I called his parents most of all. I would refer to them as my step grandparents but that offended pretty much all four of them so I decided it was simpler to refer to them in conversations with others as my stepdad’s parents. They didn’t like it but you know. They also didn’t like that I called them by their first names, but were more offended by me using Mr/Mrs Last Name and the only “nicknames” they would suggest were grandma/granny grandpa/gramps

My stepdad and I today aren’t a whole lot closer than we were before. I feel like he’s threatened by the fact I never dropped the step from his title, and I never call him dad in conversation, yet still talk about my dad to friends, other family members, etc. He’s extremely bothered by the fact I have a daddy’s girl photo frame in my room with a photo of me and my dad. He often tried to get me to replace the photo with one of us, and outright bought me a new frame with the same words and a photo of us.

Onto the issue at hand here, sorry for going off track a bit, my school has this little pamphlet every year for the graduating class where beside each student, the people who attend for that student are mentioned. My stepdad is down as stepdad. And his parents are down by their first names. Where my grandparents are given their grandparent names; grandma and grandpa for my mom’s parents and nanny and granddad for my dad’s parents.

They saw the pamphlet and it broke into a fight. With my stepdad and mom saying I had publicly denied my dad and grandparents. I said I had not. That I would never deny my dad, but that stepdad is my stepdad. He told me they might as well not be there if they’re not worthy of the titles they want. I told them I was okay with them not being there if they are so angry over it. When I said that things escalated to the point of them describing me as a disrespectful brat who needed to learn to put others feelings before my own. My mom told me I should want them (stepdad and his parents) there and that I should be SO ashamed that I would rather keep a distancing title for them than have them present at this monumental moment of my life.



5. AITA telling my mom to cancel her date to go to my sister’s graduation?

So I’m 19 and my sister is having her 8th grade graduation soon. She’s also receiving an award for her high academics. Super proud of her and I told her that immediately. I’m usually the one that goes to their ceremonies and sporting events but her award ceremony is the same exact time as my 5 week summer lecture and lab so I can’t skip that. Attendance is required as well. It happens to be the first day of school too

I told my mom she needs to go since I’m unavailable because of college and she’s pissed because her boyfriend apparently planned something special for her that day and her graduation is basically a barrier

There’s no one else in this household who can go to her graduation and I know it’s not like a college graduation, but a date is not an excuse. I told her a graduation is more important than a date and she explained this was a special date because he’s usually busy working so they usually never have free time. Still not an excuse. She considered me rude for not setting time aside to go to my own sister’s graduation?

AITA for suggesting she cancels her date to go to graduation?


6. AITA For Being Upset That My Family Didn’t Care That I Graduated?

So I (21F) graduated from community college yesterday. I’m proud of myself because I struggled greatly with it due to mental health issues as well as my ADHD. It took me a little longer than community college probably should, but I finished it finally and that’s what matters.

I also have a few cousins around my age (22F twins, and another 22F) that also graduated this weekend, but they went to bigger universities. I woke up to a bunch of facebook posts by my family congratulating all of them and saying how proud they were of all of them for graduating (of course I’m proud of them as well, I sent my congratulations to each of them individually).

I however didn’t get anything of the sorts, even though my family knew that I would be graduating as well, and it honestly hurt a bit. My family doesn’t really view community college in the best light so I’m sure that comes into play with everything, but I still feel like it’s unfair that I didn’t get any acknowledgments.

I vented to my mom about it and she just called me dramatic for wanting all that attention, but I feel like it’s warranted at least a little bit.

So, AITA for being upset that I didn’t get any recognition for graduating even though my cousins did?

EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone that is commenting, I truly appreciate it ❤️ Ya’ll have made my day!!

EDIT 2: I’ve seen people saying that it’s most likely the difference in degrees, as my cousins got bachelors and i just got an associates. I know getting bachelor degrees is more schooling and definitely more stressful, and i am super happy for all of them for being able to achieve that, i know an associates is just bottom of the barrel when it comes to college lol, i didn’t really expect anything super fancy or cool for just getting an associates, but nobody acknowledging it was just kinda eh. idk y’all


7. AITA for wearing a first gen sash to my graduation against my dad’s wife’s wishes?

Hi all, longtime lurker but first time poster. I (27NB) am graduating from law school next weekend. As backstory, my parents are divorced and remarried.

Things with my father’s wife “Kelly” have always been tense. They got married when I was 16 and the long and the short of it is that I ended up moving back in with my mom due to her. Bluntly, Kelly is also someone who is very hard to like. She’s abrasive and quite rude at times. We have never gotten along but I have for the last 8 years tried harder to be nicer to her for the sake of my father.

I went to law school three years ago and, at the time, Kelly was not very supportive of my decision and has commented on the fact that she “didn’t think I would actually see it through.” Well, now I’m graduating. I have a great job. I’m really proud of myself because I really feel like I got here on my own hard work. Kelly has never introduced me to anyone nor assisted with my work. In fairness, I also in no way expected her to. Kelly used to be lawyer (she is not currently) but it’s not really anything we have discussed due to not being close in the first place.

Now that I am graduating, my law school gave the first gen law students sashes to wear. My father called me today and I asked that I not wear this sash because Kelly is offended by it. She thinks that I do not consider her “family” and I am also therefore not a first generation lawyer. I got frustrated and told my dad that they’re both welcome to not come if it offends her so much because I am wearing my gen one sash. My dad got upset as well and essentially said that it’s not a big deal to not wear the sash and my sash is “invalid” due to Kelly being his wife, and thus my step-mother. We ended the phone call on a bad note.

AITA for refusing to not wear my sash for Kelly? I have tried to be diplomatic with Kelly, and I worry this may be the wrong hill to die on. I understand that it’s just one graduation, and I wonder if I’m making a big deal out of nothing. On the other hand, I’m really proud of myself. No one else in my family is a lawyer and I will be the first. So Reddit, AITA?

Edit: fixed some typos. Sorry!


8. AITA for telling my brother he can’t bring his girlfriend to my college graduation?

A few weeks ago I (19F) learned that I get to walk for college commencement next week. I still have one class to take before I actually get my degrees so I’m considered a “summer graduate”. Because of this I didn’t think I would get to walk for commencement. I am getting two associates degrees, Associate of arts: liberal arts with an emphasis in math and science and Associate of science: physics. I am a 2020 high school graduate so I didn’t get to walk for that graduation or have a party or any of those festivities. So I’m really excited that I get to walk next week.

When my mom asked me who to invite to the party we’re going to have I specifically told her not to invite my younger brother’s “girlfriend” or her family. My younger brother (17M) has had a pseudo relationship with the youth pastor’s daughter (19F) for about two years now. They are both seniors in high school right now. Girlfriend is in quotes because my brother isn’t allowed to date until he’s 18. And I’m in denial that they will actually start dating when he turns 18 at the end of this month. They are both committed to the same small school in Texas. My brother was dead set on a school in Los Angeles but after the girlfriend said she was going to school in Texas, he suddenly changed his mind. My parents absolutely hate the “girlfriend” and her parents. Especially her dad (42M). He’s manipulative and uses religion as a weapon for everything… and he’s the youth pastor at our church.

My beef with his girlfriend is that when I was in high school and in the youth group, my ex boyfriend cheated on me with her. She then continued to serial date her way through the youth group. She also made up rumors that I got pregnant by the ex who cheated. I’ve gotten over the whole cheating thing. What I haven’t gotten over is her making my life miserable at church. I am the coordinator for the livestream and she volunteered to help run the livestream. I spend countless Sunday’s training her and she is now constantly making up excuses to get out of running it on Sundays. Which includes but is not limited to: “I have family in town” when no one is in town and “I have an ear infection and I’m feeling sick” but then shows up to church anyways and participates in youth games and activities.

When the girlfriend’s parents found out about the party from the church senior pastor and realized that they had been invited to the party, they complained to my brother. My brother then asked me if he could bring her. I told him no. When he asked for a reason I said I don’t want to invite people who I don’t like to my party. Especially since her dad is constantly telling me women don’t belong in STEM. I’m going to university to study mechanical engineering and minor in computer science. My brother told me I was being selfish and that I need to get over my problems with her family because she is going to be his girlfriend in a few weeks. AITA for not inviting them?

Edit: I want to clarify that the reason my brother and his girlfriend can’t date until my brother is 18 is because when they got together she was 18 and he was 15. It was not a religious based thing which was why I had a boyfriend before I was 18.

Edit 2: I just wanted to clarify for those who are confused on ages of my brother and the girlfriend. My previous edit made it look like she aged one year while my brother aged three. Their birthdays are both in May (hers 2002 and his in 2004). My brother’s is at the end of the month and hers is early in the month. They got together just after her 18th birthday but before his 16th. Since I posted this originally, she has turned 20 and my brother is going to turn 18 in about a week and a half. Yes, she is a 20 year old high school senior. She moved around a lot as a kid due to her father changing the church he was working at a lot. They tried homeschooling for a while which set her back when they put her back into public school. The girlfriend is about 3 months older than me.


9. AITA for pitting my ex’s family against her after finding out why she’s not coming to our son’s graduation?

My son is graduating in a few weeks. His mom , my ex was supposed to fly in to be there at the ceremony. He hardly gets to see her since she moved across the state with her partner so he was looking forward to her being there. I’m very proud of him and know how much of a big deal this is. Due to his learning disability he struggled a lot in school so for him to be graduating with all A’s is a huge thing for him so of course he’d like her to be there.

My ex informed me that she won’t make it. When I asked her why she said because her partner is graduating from college wirh her BA that she went back to school for. They’re just a day apart from eachother so she wouldn’t be able to fly here and be present then go back home in time.

I cannot express how much this angered me, we had a full on fight about it because I asked her why does she care more about her partner’s graduation than being present at our son’s when she knows how much he wants her there. We talked again once things cooled down but nothing has changed. My son is still upset about it after their talk. His grandparents want to throw him a graduation party which my ex said she will attend but he told everyone he doesn’t want her there.

My ex in laws were calling me demanding to know why my son doesn’t want his mom there. They were mad acting like it was something I did or maybe said something bad about his mom in front of him. After telling them the real reason they directed their anger at her for deciding to skip out on it. She’s been coming at me for being “spiteful” telling them something that wasn’t their business to know about. I could have only said there was personal reasons that they don’t need to know about and left it at that.

She’s calling me an asshole for making her family turn on her when she only wanted to support her partner overcoming something huge as well and she would have been there at my son’s graduation party that following weekend. And yes she’s right I could have not said anything at all but I didn’t like them acting as if it were my fault and not their daughter’s that my son no longer wanted her to come. AITA?


10. AITA for not inviting my sisters fiancé to my graduation party?

So my (22F) sister (24F) recently got engaged to a guy she’s been seeing for about a year and a half (let’s call him David). I’ve never liked David. Literally from the moment my sister brought him home to meet us for the first time, every single one of us disliked him. He was just a very rude guy who didn’t seem to have any manners at all. Literally the first time I met him, he said my sister got all the looks in the family as a joke..

My sister stopped telling me anything about him because she knew I don’t like him and will probably talk shit. But 3 months ago or so, we found out he cheated on her with his ex who also happens to be the mother of 3 of his kids. She packed her stuff and left him for about a day. Although I was devastated for her, I was so happy she found the strength to leave him and know she deserved better. Literally not even 24 hours later, he proposed to her, gave her a speech about how much he loves her and can’t see his life without her, and she cried of joy and said yes. sigh..

Anyway, I’m having my graduation party in 2 weeks. My sister called to ask what she wanted “them” to bring me as a gift. I asked her who “them” was as I already previously told her I never wanted to be around her fiancé. I thought it would be obvious I wouldn’t want him at my graduation party. The last time I saw him, we had a fight because my sister sent him to pick something up from my house, but he was “busy” so he sent his friend. A friend who I literally exposed for stalking me when I was in high school. He used to harass me to date him and would literally drive to my high school to stare at me for a while, then leave. I had so much anxiety for so many years because of him. David knew damn well this guy used to stalk me when I was in high school, but he still sent him to my house and now that asshole has my address. When I called him out, he said I was being dramatic and that I like making a big deal out of everything.

Anyway, I told my sister I don’t want him at my graduation party. She said I was being unreasonable, and that I should understand they come as a pair now. I told her that’s completely fine, and that the pair of them can simply not attend my party then. She said I was being a bitch and that after all we’ve been through as sisters, I’m “letting hate win”. I feel like I’m quite justified in not wanting him to attend to be honest.



11. AITA for asking my daughter’s best friend and her mother to leave my daughter’s graduation party?

Yesterday was the graduation party for my (50F) daughter Sadie (18F). Our family was there along with Sadie’s friends. This is about my daughter’s best friend Tabby. They’ve been friends since second grade and I don’t dislike Tabby, but she’s very attention seeking and needs everything to be about her. She can’t stand not being the center of attention. Her mother encourages it a lot and a few of Sadie’s childhood birthdays became the Tabby Show no matter how hard I tried to put them back on track.

So yesterday we were cutting the cake and Sadie’s uncle asked her to tell everyone what she was doing after high school. She said she was attending community college for general studies while working at a local coffee place. She also said she plans to attend a four year program afterwards when she figures out what she’s interested in. I am so proud of her because she excelled in school and I think she’s on a good path. Tabby’s mother, Paula, decided to push her up to the front table where we were and said that since we were sharing after school plans, her daughter should make an announcement too.

That upset me because this was my daughter’s party, not Tabby’s venue to announce something. But Sadie stepped aside and gave her the floor so she could tell everyone that she was going to be shadowing a nurse before going to a prestigious college in the fall. There were a few quiet congratulations and she sat back down. Paula had the audacity to look upset that we weren’t jumping and down for her daughter.

After the cake was cut and everyone was back to to their own conversations, I told Paula and Tabby to please leave because I am sick of them taking Sadie’s moments. Paula said she wasn’t doing that, just doing what we were doing. I said someone else’s graduation’s party isn’t the time to do that and there are some occasions where you let someone have their moment. Sadie didn’t like that I asked them to leave and at home, I explained my feelings and she said she kind of understood. Apparently Tabby texted Sadie this morning and said that she was hurt and her mom tried to call me but I didn’t answer. AITA?


12. AITA for saying my mom’s stepdaughters graduation isn’t important to me?

My parents are divorced. I split time between my mom and my dad still but now that I’m 16f I spend more time at my dad’s because he has the most stability and I really need that ever since my anxiety diagnosis in February 2020. My mom’s husband has a big extended family who are always staying for a period of time, or sending people they know to stay, so the household is often filled with people who are complete strangers. My mom’s husband has a daughter who is graduating high school in a week. She lives in another state with her mom. I have spent very little time with her overall. My mom and her dad got married 8 years ago but she stays with her dad very infrequently and often he will see her at his parents house when she does come, and I wouldn’t be there because my mom never wanted to drive me back and forth between her ILs and my dads.

I do not consider his daughter part of my family. Nor do I see her graduation as an event worth attending. Legally, the graduation falls on my dad’s parenting time but my mom and her husband wanted me to take two days to travel with them for it anyway. I said I wasn’t going to. They were annoyed. They told me she’s my only sibling. I told them I didn’t have a sibling. That we’re more strangers than siblings. They said we share parents. I pointed out my mom is hardly in her life, and definitely not parenting her, and that mom’s husband isn’t my dad either. I told them they should of course go but her graduation is not important to me in any way.

Mom told me I’m making a huge deal out of nothing and I should be more supportive of family, and my sister. Her husband told me I’m being a selfish brat.



13. AITA for being ungrateful about my “graduation trip” to Europe

My dad was previously married and has an older daughter [28F]. 28F’s mom also remarried and then they had kids about the same age as me and my brothers. 28F spend summers and breaks with us, but we aren’t that close.

My dad was like hey do you want to go on a trip with your sister and her other half-sister [17F] on her mom’s side, they’re going to Europe I’ll pay for you as a hs graduation present. I said yes. I was excited, we started a group chat, all good. 28F had been to a lot of the places before so was making the itinerary but I’d sometimes say oh I’d really like to see ___ and 17F would sometimes say the same.

I’d never met 17F before this trip. At first it was fine but it started to be frustrating bc it felt like the trip had been for 17F and I was a third wheel.

17F is really into science/tech and 28F is an engineer so we did a lot of those kind of activities. Neither of them are really into history or art. For example, 28F booked a walking tour called the “Scientific Legacy of City.” I saw the list of other tours and there were so many others that were personally more interesting to me but she never opened it up to the group. If she had 17F would have been like “Scientific legacy sounds great!” And it would have been the end of the convo bc 2 against 1.

I started getting more vocal like hey I’d like to stay at this art museum a little longer can I meet up with you guys later. 28F called my dad to ask if that was okay and my dad said no he wanted me to stay with 28F. After she talked to my dad I started being more vocal like “hey I’d really like us to stop at this museum.” But 17F would get annoyed and 28F would be like “well we want to do __.” If they did agree to whatever I suggested it would feel like I’d inconvenienced them or later 28F would say ‘we went to that museum yesterday for you’ the next time I expressed a preference. Not just activities but like if I needed to sitdown or to stop for food or run into a store or wasn’t ready when they were ready to leave, it felt like it was inconvenient to them. Everything 17F said in the group chat that she wanted to do, we did, and that was not at all true for me.

Finally in one of those convos where everyone was getting frustrated, 28F said “Well this is really 17F’s trip anyway.”

That’s when it fully hit me that they didn’t even want me there. I felt really miserable and stopped asking to do things. I also pretended to be sick and stayed at the hotel one of the days. 28F didn’t seem upset about it and on the flight home 17F said it was “one of her favorite days.” By the end of the trip I was glad to leave and it felt like they were glad to see me leave.

I’m mad at 28F/17F and depressed about it but I also feel like my dad put me in that situation. When I got home and told him he accused me of having a bad attitude and I said yeah bc they didn’t want me there. He said he’d paid 2k+ for my portion of this trip and I was being a spoiled brat.


14. AITA For Threatening to Uninvite My Mom to my Graduation Over Hair?

A few pieces of context:

I (21f) am biracial. My dad (black) is not in the picture and I have lived with my mom (white) and her side of the family my whole life.

I graduated college this past December but since I went to a small university they only have a ceremony in May, which I will be attending.

I am living l at home right now and working, hoping to get a better job and move out. I have very thick curly hair that can often be a hassle to maintain, and sometimes even when putting in effort it doesn’t always turn out nice. My mom made me relax my hair for several years (about age 13-17) and once I went to college I stopped and let my hair be curly again. The week of my graduation I have several events I am required to attend beyond the ceremony, including rehearsal, an award’s ceremony, and more. A few weeks ago my mom suggested I get my hair relaxed so it’s easier to manage that week and I don’t have to spend an exorbitant amount of time on it. While the ease would be nice, when my hair is straightened it doesn’t feel like me (if that makes sense). I said I didn’t want to and she dropped it. This changed yesterday when we were driving home from work (we work at the same place), and she relentlessly brought it up despite my protests. I continued to say no until she said “I just don’t want you looking ugly and frumpy at your ceremony” and I responded “Well then I don’t want you to come.” This shut her up for the rest of the drive. The women in my family are all refusing to speak to me, claiming I’m being disrespectful. My uncle and grandfather however, are supportive though they think I should’ve handled it differently. AITA?
