Woman Sick Of Being Slut-Shamed By Her Aunt Shuts Her Up With Raunchy Comeback

Every family has one of them: a nosy relative who asks annoying questions or makes snide comments about your love life. From whether you’re dating too much or not enough or whether you’re going to have a baby, this relative has no sense of boundaries.

One Redditor with a nosy relative wrote in asking for advice after a particularly awkward conversation with her slut-shaming aunt.

See, instead of just silently fuming about her aunt’s comments, this OP came back at her with the funniest, rudest response. I mean, it’s gold. But she’s wondering if she went too far. 

“For some reason, whenever my aunt calls and catches up with family she really picks on me. She sees me as the slutty one in the family with a steady stream of boyfriends. I’ve only had like half a dozen and I’m nearly 25, for heaven’s sake. Still, compared to her 23 yr old pitch perfect valedictorian daughter, I guess I’m easy pickings,” the OP writes. 

Last week, her aunt brought up the OP’s dating life on a family phone call, “something silly about how I’m getting along without meeting my bf that often….She made a really bad comment about how I should be careful and that you never know when you can get pregnant (that’s why her daughter’s waiting to get engaged…little did she know…but my cousin and I are tight so I wouldn’t rat on her).” 

“In the heat of the moment, I responded, don’t worry, I make sure it’s only on my face each time. No chance of pregnancy there,” the OP said. 

“My sis thought it was hilarious, my dad stifled a laugh, but my aunt got mortified. She huffed and puffed about how rude I was and how inappropriate it was to bring this up with family. Wait … sex lives are inappropriate in family conversations? Wouldn’t know it from talking to her.” 

The OP’s aunt asked for an apology later and said she was “setting a bad example for her perfect daughter.” 

I mean, I think the OP is hilarious, but did Reddit think she was trolling her aunt a little too hard? 

“The frigging hypocrisy. Also, love how you didn’t throw your cousin under the bus. I know that would have been the bigger blow to your aunt (obvs nothing wrong having sex) but you didn’t go there,” noted actualreallifebear

“10/10 Bravo. Don’t apologize. Let it hang. Let her know that if she wants to talk shit about your life, you don’t mind inviting her in with ‘TMI’ true or not,” said MrRiddle18

“NTA and you’re my hero. This reminds me of a Christmas where my aunt cornered me (24F ATT) and started preaching about ‘saving it for my wedding night’ and I snapped and said ‘should we have had this talk when I was 18? Because there have been a lot of wedding nights since,'” said TexasBlonde2019

“F*** her sexist slut shaming, she sucks. You’re 25 years old you can have sex when you want. It’s natural and normal. She’s being really creepy and you should have your dad tell her to apologize for being so over invested in your sex life?? There is no reason she should be concerned about this. It’s inappropriate (like she said) and you should limit contact with her if it continues. Her behavior is concerning and emotionally abusive, like why is she trying to punish you? And why does your family get her degrade you?” asked kermitsmoke

And user fandomrelevant gave the OP a letter to use: 

“Dear Aunt,

Allow me to offer you my sincerest apologies for my earlier remarks. I understand, wholly and completely, how deeply unsettling and disturbing it can be when the sex life of family members becomes a topic during otherwise pleasant conversation. Not only is it worrying that such a private topic is given context in a family conversation, it is also inappropriate due to the inherently private nature of the subject.

I understand now that your unsolicited comments on my private sex life were not a means for you to enquire as to the specific mechanics my boyfriend and I employ. Clearly, you had wished for the conversation to be one-sided, and for me to sit quietly and listen to your comments. Upon reflection, not only of this conversation but of others previously, I believe I understand the situation more clearly.

First, allow me to state plainly and clearly that ‘kinks’ are nothing to be ashamed of. While this one of yours (humiliation by way of discussio , forced exhibitionism, etc) is not one I share, I would like you to know I fully accept you. Unfortunately, I do not share this kink of yours and would formally request you cease forcing it onto me in the future. I am sure there are many people out there (who aren’t related to you) who would be thrilled to receive your attentions in this area. However, I am absolutely not one of these people.

Again, please do not feel shame for what you are. None of us are perfect, and I don’t believe this…quirk, of yours, has impacted [COUSIN]. Though, I do hope you cease including her (by discussing her personal sexual life) for your own thrills in the future, too.” 

What would you say to a nosy relative if they kept making nasty comments about your sex life?

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Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.