
Woman Gets Accused Of Upstaging Her Sister By Losing Weight Before Her Wedding

Weddings sure do seem to bring out the best in people, don’t they?

Oh, wait, no, no they do not, because every other post on Reddit’s r/AmItheAsshole sub is about weddings. I can’t wrap my mind around some of the BS people deal with during “wedding time”, but boy do I like reading about these train wrecks.

Like u/Late-Water-9669‘s question: “AITA for losing weight before my sister’s wedding?”

Photo by Olivia Bauso on Unsplash

Buckle up…

So the poster explains that she was pretty overweight for a while, but over the last year she really dedicated herself to losing the pounds.

I 28F used to be quite overweight, over the last year or so I have made many changes in my life and have successfully lost almost 100lbs. I don’t live close to any of my family and don’t post on social media so my family wasn’t really aware of my weight loss.

Almost 100 lbs, in fact! wow! Her family didn’t know about it…

I did mention that I was making healthier choices but that’s it. It’s just that every time before that I’ve tried to lose weight it hasn’t worked out so I didn’t want anyone commenting on it.

But they knew she was trying to be healthier. She just didn’t want to sabotage her progress by bringing people into the process. I get it!

My sister 26F got engaged last year and I’m super happy for her. Due to circumstances, the wedding had to be pushed back a little. It’s happening a week from now and because I haven’t seen everyone in so long I decided to come down two weeks earlier to help out and catch up.

So due to some circumstances, the sister’s wedding was pushed back; it’s coming up in a week now and OP decided to catch up with family.

Well, when I came to see my family my sister freaked out upon seeing me.

And they freaked out at her appearance.

As it turns out she has gained a bit of weight not super noticeable to me she still looks great. But I think this is the first time in our lives that I’m smaller than her I’ve always been the “fat sister.”

And the bride freaked out because she had put on some weight and was now the “fat sister” (uuuuuggggh).

She basically accused me of trying to upstage her and my parents are fully taking her side. I’m really not sure if I’m in the wrong here as so many of my family are taking her side of things.

AITA for losing weight before my sister’s wedding?

So in what world could OP possibly be trying to upstage her sister? In this crazy wedding-soaked one, I guess.

Let’s check in and see how Reddit felt…


“Instead of being happy that her sister is making healthy changes, she made it about herself. Totally self-centered!” said hello_friendss.

nonasuch , Mountain_Lemon9935

“I’d say OP isn’t done making healthy choices. Seems like she will lose a lot of dead weight when she cuts that family off,” wrote Aleshanie.


Phew. NTA all around!