
People Are Sharing Addictions That Society Pretends Are Necessities (20 Posts)

There are things that have become so normal that we sometimes forget how bad they are for us. A lot of the things we’re now accustomed to doing, the things we do without even thinking, can actually be classified as addictions.

In a recent Reddit thread, people are answering the question: “What is an addiction society pretends is a necessity?”

The answers range from consumerism to social media, and everything in-between. It’s definitely eye-opening to learn how these seemingly “normal” things can cause real damage to users. It’s also crazy that these things have become so normalized and ingrained into society.

Here are 20 things that can be classified as addictions but are deemed necessities, according to Redditors.

1. Being too connected…

Being too connected to friends or social media, you don’t need to be constantly on your phone and stopping what you are doing every 5 minutes to look at your phone.


2. Buying new things

Always buying anything that is NEW! EXCITING! BETTER! What a crock of sh-t.


3. Unlimited growth

The great inflator.

“We need to make more money than last year!”

“But last year we had that viral video that spiked sales and made more money than anyone in the world!!!”

“No excuses, 10% more this year!!”

“Better up all the prices then….”


4. Working for free

Working extra hours for free. The organization will gladly let you work for free but absolutely shouldn’t do it.


5. Faking it for social media

Trying to look the best on social media. I don’t get it and never will.


6. Sugar

Completely unnoticed. So much sugar in things people just don’t expect or check. Thinking of sugar as a drug has helped me enjoy it more responsibly.


7. Hustle culture

The entire (side) hustle culture. I understand the need/desire and do it myself too. But I find it insane that we need to monetize almost every waking moment.


8. Comparison

Some people are addicted to comparing their lives to others when they should really strive to be the best they can be. Trying to outperform others leads to endless frustration, but trying to outperform yourself leads to true improvement.


9. Late nights, early mornings

I do it. It’s revenge bedtime procrastination.


10. Doing too much

I can’t upvote this enough! My coworkers think I’m nuts for pointing this out to them! There is a huge difference between being a great worker and them using you to do their work you don’t get paid for! I work in a long term care facility and the administration literally does nothing and the staff overwork themselves and will even spend their own money to provide supplies for the residents because they feel bad that the residents suffer! I call bs and say you’re enabling a bad system to stay bad!

I will not work outside of my pay and job description. You want more, you pay more.


11. Shopping

This addiction is actually a medically recognized addiction with it’s own name – Oniomania.


12. Nicotine

I feel like I am one of the very few blue-collar workers who does not use it.


13. Alcohol

I’m so tired of people telling me I’m not living my life cause I don’t drink.


14. The lottery?

It’s really fun to imagine what you would do if you won. If you’re not blowing tons of money on it. That could be worth it right there. But it’s so expensive, and your chances are like .00001 of winning something you can retire with.


15. Caffeine

Surprised this isn’t higher up. It’s a literal addictive drug that people joke about not being able to start their day without, and then consume it at their office jobs.


16. Fast food

Yep. I’m really struggling with fast food right now. You never realize how addicting it is until you try to stop.


17. Unrequited love

This is kind of hard to believe – maybe more so than eating dirt – but people can become addicted to the pain of romantic rejection.


18. Celeb gossip

Obsessing over celebrities’ personal lives….

I don’t give a f–k who’s dating who, who had a baby, who got divorced, etc., and I don’t understand why anyone else does.


19. Relationships

A rule I’ve learned is “never start a relationship until you can be happy on your own” Fear of being alone traps a lot of people in toxic relationships! I used to take myself out for dinner and a movie, I used to buy myself flowers because those things just made me happy. $8 for flowers to brighten your room for a week isn’t a bad deal. I’m in a relationship, and happy to know I’m there for love, not out of fear.


20. Porn

As someone who struggled with this in my late teens and twenties, I completely agree with this. I joined an online community for my recovery and it was heartbreaking to see the stories of people, young and old, whose lives had been ruined by this addiction.
