People Are Sharing The Loopholes They Used To Pull Harmless Scams (20 Stories)


“Back in 1999/2000 there was this web advertising company called AllAdvantage. You could install their ad banner on your computer and it would occupy like the bottom 15% of your screen and show you ads and AA would pay you for the time you were exposed to the ads.

Of course they had basic measures in place like stopping your accumulated time if your screensaver came on or your computer went to sleep. But all it took was a simple program that would keep your mouse slowly moving while you’re actually away IRL and the AA clock would keep on ticking. Not sure if it keeping it running at all times I was away IRL ended up being cost-effective in regards to cost of electricity but I was a teenager living with my parents so I didn’t care about that. I think I pulled maybe $500 or so before the company went under.” –___Art_Vandelay___


“The thing we clocked in on when I worked at Kmart would round to the closest quarter hour. So by clocking in 8 minutes early, and clocking out 8 minutes after my shift, I got paid for 30 minutes rather than for the 16 minutes. By exploiting this, I was paid 2.5 hours of overtime a week. Cumulatively, during my time there, this added up to about 6.5 weeks of extra pay. I wasn’t ever caught, though.” –ArmyOfDog


“Soda companies used to run giveaways where they would put a code under the cap and then you could enter the codes for points, and get free stuff once you had banked enough points. I was a stock boy at a local grocery store and we had to take care of the bottle return machines also. Any loose caps (and nasty soda juices) would settle in the bottoms of the bags, so on slow nights we would cut the corner of the bags to drain, and collect any loose caps which I would then wash in the mop sink and take home to bank the codes. I ended up getting some sweet stuff like a few CDs, a zip up sweatshirt, and even some decent noise cancelling headphones.” –DannyHeitz



“I don’t know if this counts as a loophole but back when I was an unemployed college student and before public transport tickets became electronic where I live, I used to cover my ticket in a thin layer of glue (glue stick) so when I validated the ticket the ink would stay on top of the glue layer. I would then wash the ticket very carefully with water and the ink would come off. I’d let it dry and I magically had a brand new ticket. This would last about a week before the ticket started looking too weird.” –sugar-girl



“Was living near & attending our local university. While working full-time in an economy in the midst of a recession I barely had enough money to pay the bills, let alone eat. Where I live is very well known for its tourist industry & casinos so I had quite a few friends who worked in it & would tell me about these MASSIVE employee luncheon cafeterias. At that time there were no id cards or lanyards to be scanned or checked, all you needed was to find it & be dressed appropriately to the employers dress code. After my friend & I did a dry run on one of those trips, in order for me to find it without getting lost I would go it alone. For almost 3 years I had lunch/ dinner for free, learning the peak service times & the dead zones. Even got along with some of the cafeteria workers and custodial crews.” –lazyeyelefty88


“Photoshopped a college parking pass to hang in my rear view mirror, complete with a fake barcode. Even had it laminated. Free parking for 3 years, saved 250/year.” –WhatArcherWhat


“When I was in college they had this deal where if you signed up for a free trial of Netflix you could get a $10 gift card code for Papa John’s.

They didn’t even ask for a credit card back then, just an email, so I would just make new email addresses to use and would get a code every time.

Not only did I get free Netflix for a while, but I also got a lot of free pizza.” – -eDgAR-


“When we moved into our new house we put our trash out like everyone else and routinely it was taken every Wednesday morning for 12 years. One afternoon we heard the neighbors complaining about the increased cost of trash removal and learned it wasn’t free at all. We thought it was county sponsored the whole we lived there. We called the trash company, explained the mistake and offered to make amends – they seems disinterested but just took our name and address down and told us they’d begin billing. They  never did. We stayed another 10 years before selling the house and never paid for trash service. Hey we tried.” –SMLBound


“My first credit card ever when I was 18, many moons ago. I opened a bank account and they sent me a CC. I used it for just shy of 2 years, all kinds of stuff, my first apartment was baller…… NEVER GOT A BILL. bought nice clothes, systems, subscriptions, food- you name it. Never got a bill. Went to the bank one day to deposit some money and ask when my new card was coming (my old one was about to expire) and they said, “What CC? You aren’t supposed to have this.” They took it on the spot- never got a bill. Tens of thousands of dollars EASILY, all for free.” –alaraja


“Way back when, I did the grocery shopping for my large family as a teenager. Mom didn’t drive, dad didn’t shop. I drove, so she send me for groceries. Deal was I could keep the coin part of the change from the purchase for doing the shopping for the family. Didn’t take me long to figure out to ask for a $10 roll of quarters each time when I was given change.” –capnvontrappswhistle

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