College Students Get Real About “The Craziest Thing” They Witnessed In Their Dorms (15 Posts)


“One of the RAs got fired…I can’t remember why. He had a week to move out of his dorm room, and it coincided with Mother’s weekend. Lots of moms visiting campus. He decided to get a keg and invite a bunch of people over as a ‘fuck you’ to his bosses. His room was larger than most, since he was an RA. When they broke up the party the people stumbling out were frat bros and drunk moms, and a couple of grandmothers.” — poopnado2


“One of my favorites is the kid that got suspended for repeatedly climbing along the outside of the dormitories dressed in full Spider-Man regalia. Everyone thought is was funny when he climbed from the first to the second floor. But, by the end of the week, he was climbing the 7th, 8th, etc.and the school was terrified they would be held liable if he died. The Dorm Director told him he would be removed from campus if it continued, and his response was, ‘I’m sorry, but with great power, comes great responsibility.’ He was kicked out the next day, after making it to the roof.” — travishall456


“So last winter in Boston there was about 102 inches of snow over the winter. Being college kids, we proceeded to build an igloo on the roof of our dorm and proceeded to hotbox it. Good times.” — Slugger767


“A guy I knew used to hook up with girls and then throw their clothes into the hall outside his room, then lock them out of his room, making them get dressed in the hall in front of whomever was around. I think he works for Comcast now, which fits.” — greenvilledoc


“I lived on the 9th floor of the dorms my freshmen year. One wing was males and the other wing females. One of the girls on my floor received a giant, 10+ inch black dildo with a suction cup attachment as a gag gift from her friends on her 19th birthday. The guys on my floor thought it would be great fun to periodically steal, then chase each other around with said dildo and beat the living hell out of each other with it. I was in my neighbors room one day when his dorm-mate busted open the door and threw this thing full force at him. Fortunately my friend was able to react quick enough to dodge out of the way… unfortunately for us though the dildo went careening full bore into the window behind him, smashed through it and proceeded to fall 9 stories. We watched in horror and shock as this dildo fell and hit a freshmen girl on the head, who immediately collapsed and began convulsing. Cops and paramedics came and took me, my two neighbors and the poor girl who owned the dildo down to the campus police station. They put us all into an interrogation room where we waited until a detective came in… with the dildo in hand. He then proceeded slam down the suction cup end of the dildo onto the middle of the interrogation table. We all lost our shit, we couldn’t stop laughing due to the fact that this thing was slowly wobbling back and forth during the whole interrogation.” — DrSquidPHDMD

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