Guys Are Sharing Tell-Tale Signs Another Man Is Insecure In His Masculinity (15 Posts)

We all suffer from insecurity, but sometimes insecurity can come across as behaviors associated with toxic masculinity.

On Reddit, people are sharing the tell-tale signs that a guy’s insecurity is coming across in toxic ways.

Anything from “one-upping” someone, to putting down other men’s achievements, to looking for ways to show off with violence—toxic masculinity harms both men and women and robs men of their freedom to express any interests or feelings that are not “traditionally” masculine.

With more awareness, though, men can be freed from toxic beliefs and behaviors and embrace the full range of experiences life has to offer.

1. One-Upsmanship

“Constant attempts to “one-up” anything and anyone at anytime.” —The_Obi-Wan

2. Bragging

“Constantly looking for the need to brag about your wealth and physical prowess, especially on social media. I know a few dudes who define themselves by the amount of money they’ve made or how they’re better than everyone because they practice a certain martial art.” — Retro_Riven

3. Not Supporting Other Men

“When he’s not supportive of the other men in his life. A truly masculine man loves and supports his brothers and celebrates their achievement. An insecure man brings others down to prove he’s on “top.” — Vega3gx

4. Alpha Male Claims

“If he claims to be an ‘alpha male’ — dude, if you have to tell people (loudly and often) that you’re alpha, you are definitely not.” — jhope71

5. Posting “Cringy” Graphics

“People online who post cringy graphics of a lion or the joker with an equally cringe quote next to it saying something along the lines of ‘followers work for other, the alpha works for themselves’ with some dollar signs next to it. Or other similar ‘motivational woke’ posts.” — dimdimthelesser

6. Dominating The Conversation

“Trying to dominate a conversation or activity for no reason/Being needlessly competitive.” — TheBookOfSeil

7. Fear Of Emasculation

“Here are some that I’ve seen: 1. Constant need to be in a relationship or have a ‘girlfriend’ no matter how he feels about her. 2. Guys who talk shit about women who speak up or needlessly call them names 3. Guys who are uncomfortable being CLOSE emotionally or physically around other men in fear of being gay or emasculated. Also just trust your gut around people. Everyone has insecurities but there’s a fine line as to when it’s a part of people verses when people are a part of them.” — riripaanda

8. Narrow-Mindedness

“His view on what makes a man a man is narrow. In his mind, there are only 2-3 types of men and other types are wrong.” — w1987g

9. Gives Himself A Nickname

“Creates a nickname for himself.” — FaberGrad

10. Nut On Trucks

“Putting nuts on their trucks probably.” — Marquetan