Guys Are Sharing Tell-Tale Signs Another Man Is Insecure In His Masculinity (15 Posts)

11. Showing Off

“Definitely show offs. If you are easily insulted by things tied to lack of masculinity (secretly liking pink for example) then you have fragile masculinity. Normally the truly masculine people are those that a true people. They don’t need reassurance, they show emotion and the idea of girly colours, smells etc do not exist.” — ArchangelDeltius

12. Starting Fights

“Worrying about face and honour and fighting over it. I’ve never been in s fight. 99% of my friends have never been in a fight. None of my colleagues have ever been in a fight. Yet… you come across these f**kwits who seem to think that it’s normal. Quite often they complain about it. ‘Aw I can barely leave my house without someone starting s**t.’ In every single scenario, it is them who is the problem.” — Tundur

13. Leading Echo Chambers

“The best indication of insecurity I’ve seen in this thread is the guy who saw someone in real life who seemed hyper masculine and decided to post about him online with a leading question hoping the echo chamber would make him feel better.” — RiMiBe

14. Making Fun Of Cats

“My friend introduced me to a potential love interest of hers one evening. The conversation turned to what I look for in a guy and I said I like guys who own cats. The dude immediately cut me off and said ‘I’m sorry, there’s nothing wrong with a woman who owns a cat, but there’s something wrong with a guy who does.’ The next day my friend asked me what I thought of him and I told her he’s insecure.” — Mello-Knight

15. Retreating Inward

“Nearly all the responses describe one type of insecure man – the insecure alpha / frat / bro. For someone thats not that type such as myself, the signs would be more like: avoiding interaction, soft spoken, baggier clothes, looking down a lot, avoiding eye contact, basically retreating inward. Maybe thats just my depression tho, but it surely stems from insecurity.” — Voldemort666

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