
People Share The High School Conspiracies That Turned Out To Be True (20 Stories)

Conspiracy theories are everywhere, but they’re especially popular in high school. When you’re young and bored, it’s easy to come up with and spread rumors in an attempt to look cool. Sometimes those rumors are just rumors but other times they’re 100% true. Sometimes those theories and rumors have been around longer than you’ve been alive.

In a recent Reddit thread, people are answering the question: What high school conspiracy turned out to be true at your school?

We must warn you, there are quite a few stories of pedophilia but there are also some pretty cool stories about hidden tunnels, secret pools, and a WWF wrestling teacher.

Here are 20 other high school conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.

1. Missing Freshman

There was a girl freshman year who went missing. She ended up being found dead in the river. There were rumors that she was seen on a bridge with her boyfriend the day she went missing. Nothing was ever found and they assumed it was suicide/ an accident. Fast forward 25 years and the boyfriend murdered his best friend of several decades, set a fire to cover it up, and went on the run. Couple days later he killed a woman at a rest stop in the bathroom to steal her car. They reopened the case about the high school girlfriend. That rumor was correct all along. He will be in prison the rest of his life.


2. Inappropriate relationship

There were rumors about a music teacher and a student, but they were both pretty dramatic people and did very little to dismiss the talk. So half the school wanted to believe it for the salacious thrill and half just waved it off as attention seeking and shit-talking.

Teacher got canned without explanation. Most of us just figured it was budget-related. A math teacher filled in on his music/theater roles.

Years later I randomly caught up with the student and she said the rumors were true, she freaked out and tried to end things to shake off the reputation, and eventually the teacher showed up trashed and naked on her family’s front lawn, in the rain, yelling out for her.

Like a really f–ked-up version of John Cusack from Say Anything but with less boombox and more drenched wang.


3. A happily ever after?

That one of the cheerleaders was dating one of the teachers (in his 40s). A year after graduation, they got married and had a baby. Still together 11 years later.


4. Swingers

That some of the teachers in our district are swingers with some of the doctors at our local hospital.


5. Padded rooms

I attended a newly opened high school that apparently used to be a school for troubled kids. Someone told me there were padded rooms somewhere in the school so I skipped lunch with a friend one day to walk the halls and find them! They did exist, but by next year they were renovated into offices and storage rooms. I thought that was pretty interesting and seriously wondered what went on there before it was turned into a “normal” high school.


6. Fake qualifications

One of the compsci teachers was faking his doctorate. Never went to college at all, iirc? We weren’t allowed to talk about it because he kept working there for the rest of the school year. He’d go absolutely apeshit on students who called him Mr. X over Dr. X though, it was ridiculous.


7. Secret tunnels

That there were tunnels under the school that led to a hidden pool.

Confirmed by my father who was a maintenance man for the school district. The tunnels were just utility tunnels, the pool is below the gym floor and was abandoned due to financial reasons.


8. Bowling alley

I know my high school had a bowling alley at one point. And my dad taught at a school that was built for 550-600 kids but had number closer to 250, so every teacher had a double classroom, there were mountains of supplies and old computers in storage, I think there was an auditorium that wasn’t used. It was wild.


9. WWF wrestler

My old math teacher was a WWF wrestler, i recognized him from my childhood days channel surfing and couldn’t find anything about him on google, but i was so sure it was him I just asked. I was right lmao.


10. IT teacher

That our IT teacher slept with his students. He was attractive, young, friendly etc, then suddenly a rumour went around the school that he was sleeping with a 6th former (aged 17/18). He was suspended for a while but then ‘decided to leave’ after he was ‘cleared’ of wrongdoing. He got a new job at my cousins high school across town…he did it again there. Got caught with another 17 year old and was fired shortly after.
