20 People Share The Things That Surprised Them Most After Their First Time Having Sex


“Well, I waited 19 years to get nailed in the back of some dudes car next to his piles of dirty laundry. It felt like nothing, absolutely no pleasure for me. But I did discover that I am VERY allergic to latex. That was a big surprise.” — brittakeu


“It didn’t hurt like I’d expected. I was a little sore, but it wasn’t the ‘oh god I’m dying’ that’s so often portrayed in movies.” — EmCWolf13


“God didn’t smite me. My life continued on pleasantly even though I’d had premarital sex, yay!” — bebegun54321


“That I didn’t actually want to do it with guys anymore. That my desire for dudes had been rooted in a curiosity about what sex would feel like, and once that curiosity was sated, latent lesbianism was like, ‘So, funny story…'” — LocalLesbrarian


“That you can still do it even if both of your arms are broken.” — markymark434


“For me, I think it was how natural it was. Like animal instincts kick in and your pelvis starts moving in whole new ways.” — Butwinsky


“I guess I had the opposite experience as a lot of women here but I was surprised at how much it hurt. Like holy fuck it was painful, and afterwards when we turned on the lights there was blood EVERYWHERE. It still hurt a little the second time but thankfully stopped after that. Still took a handful of times before it actively started feeling good though.” — grapefruitorama


“I was like damn that is actually a lot of work. It made me understand Charles Barkley’s quote when talking about NBA teams playing three nights in a row–‘I wouldn’t even want to have sex three nights in a row.’ — pdxblazer


“Vaginas are like, super warm inside!” — zed5301


“The girl’s mother trying to barge in. They door was blocked by a dresser and her gaze beamed into the room like the the eye of Sauron.” — Furious0tter

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