30 People Share “The Most Stupid Question” They’ve Ever Been Asked

As the well-worn expression goes: “There are no stupid questions.” It’s a wise cliché, meant to encourage curiosity and inquiry. After all if you’re too afraid of looking silly, you’ll never learn anything. But as for there being no stupid questions… that’s not really true. Everyone has heard some doozies that made your jaw slowly drop into the WTF position.

When a questioner on Reddit asked people to share the stupidest questions they’ve ever heard, the answers poured forth like idiot soup. 

There are some real head-slappers in here.


“Is the ice cream served cold?”

Usually as a waiter, I can game-face almost anything, but there’s no way my face didn’t read “…the fuck you just say?”



“Do you speak Canadian?”

I thought it was a bad joke. It wasn’t.



I work IT, asked a person if her mouse was wired or wireless. She said “How am I supposed to know THAT?! This is YOUR job!”



Girl: Hey what’s the capital of the world again?

I said Detroit



I worked at Blockbuster Video in 2004 for six months. I had three unrelated incidents, but the words and tone of all three were uncannily identical. They answered the question immediately before asking it… AND THEY STILL DIDN’T KNOW THE ANSWER:

“Yeah, I know my movie was late… Why do I have to pay a late fee?”



I live in a very popular tourist town.

“Is there anything to do around here? We’ve already seen the Walmart.”



A friend once asked my other friend who was a history teacher, “What was the president’s reaction to JFK’s assassination”



“Did you choose to be half Asian?”

Yes, this was an actual question that was asked of me.



– What country are you from?


– Yes, yes, but what country?



My sister once asked me if the humans killed all the Homo sapiens because they were stupid.

Also when she found out that you need more stamps to mail a big package, she asked how many stamps it would take to mail a car. My dad told her 50 as a joke and she just nodded her head and said “oh that makes sense.”

She was in college when she asked both of these questions.
