30 People Share “The Most Stupid Question” They’ve Ever Been Asked


Once a classmate, this was on year 10 or year 11, asked me how I had managed to put ice into a plastic bottle. A friend of mine proceeded to tell her that there were youtube tutorials on cut open and glue the bottle back together and that it was super easy.



I was born significantly deaf. Was once asked, “Do deaf babies know sign language when they’re born?”



“Did you have to take a canoe to school” – a question I was asked once when I told them I moved from Hawaii



I called to order a pizza, half plain and half pepperoni.

Pizza Girl (sounding unsure): “Umm…I guess we could do that. Which half do you want the pepperonis on?”



In the days before cellphones. .friend called me and asked where I was



‘If my child has a biting problem in your classroom, can’t you just, like, bite my child back?’ Asked by a completely serious parent. Sure, I can bite your child, but I kinda like keeping my job and not being arrested for child abuse more.



Working at a yogurt shop, an adult woman asked me what sugar free meant. No, a language barrier didn’t exist. I answered “it means… it’s free… of sugar?” She said “oooohhhh!” like changing the word structure unlocked a code.

Another time, a lady asked what was good. I said “well, our soft serve peanut butter is our most popular. I don’t personally like it, but a lot of people do.” “Ok, can I have a sample?” I pour one and afterward, she says “GROSS! This is disgusting! How could you let me try this?” I thought she was joking, so I laughed. She wasn’t joking.

Both of these events happened over a decade ago. Sometimes I wonder how far they made it in life.



Are you asian or chinese

So this happened at school, My parents are from China, I was born in the U.S. When people ask me where I’m from, I usually tell them I ‘m Chinese and leave it at that. So after a few weeks or so, a person that’s already asked me before where I’m from asks me this.



My ex once woke me up from a nap to ask me if I was taking a nap. No shit did you not just wake me up? She defended this for years afterward



“Can’t you drive to Hawaii?”
