20 Things That Are Normal For Americans But Weird In Other Countries

11. Patriotism

My European ex was confused at how many American flags are flown around.


12. Gender reveals

As a matter of fact, it is illegal to reveal the gender before birth in India. You will lose your medical license for doing that. It is because of the extremely high female foeticide.


13. Measurments

Imperial measuring system. USA is literally 1 of 3 countries that still use inches, feet, yards and miles. Not that I personally mind it (measuring someone in feet’ and inches” is pretty damn comfortable), but yeah it’s one of those things us Americans feel is normal and no one else does.


14. Team spirit?

Your sports teams declaring themselves “world champions” when they win a national competition.


15. Free refills

Apparently you don’t get free refills outside of the US.


16. Not a good look…

Active shooter drills at school.


17. More hospital troubles

Being bankrupt because you were sick!

Yeah the land of the not sick because you’re going to die!


18. Those darn kids

Kicking your kids out at 18 years old.


19. Lack of bidets

The lack of bidets in bathrooms.

Come on guys, there are situations (like after a big Indian food meal) that just cannot be solved with toilet paper. Specially if you’re a guy with the bad luck of having a really hairy ass (and sorry for being so graphic, but I did it so Americans understand). When I was in NY I felt I needed to take a shower after a couple of craps.


20. Sweet bread

Bread that basically tastes as sweet as cake. Like what?!
