
People Are Sharing Non-COVID Reasons They Like Wearing Masks (20 Posts)

We’ve been wearing masks for almost two years now. While they’re uncomfortable, fog up our glasses and just generally a hassle to keep up with, some people have managed to find a silver lining to being masked up.

Redditor u/VerySlump recently asked:

“What’s a non-covid reason that you like wearing a mask?”

And we rounded up some of the funniest, most interesting replies.

1. Resting concentration face

Whenever I’m concentrating or working on a task I tend to stick my tongue out or leave my mouth open and I really like it when people don’t see that. –Conscious_Fondant634

2. Laughing at yourself

Talking with myself in the streets and laughing at my own jokes. –VisualCheesecake5676

3. Covering your chin

Covers my double chin. –Catlover2727

4. Ignoring people

Allergies, and so I can ignore people. –FightingBlaze77

5. Smells

Nasty smell in subway. –ChristianaDarkness

6. No colds!

I haven’t had a cold for nearly 2 years IT’S BEEN AMAZING. –fluffofthewild

7. No acne

Hides my acne. –gabrielcutler21

8. No allergies

I have pollen allergies, mask helps a TON. –UnclePiccolo

9. No shaving

Nobody notices if I didn’t shave. –paulfromatlanta

10. Total blank

I don’t have to mind my expression as much. Like… normally, people can see your mouth and it’s expected to have certain expressions. I don’t have to sweat that as much with a mask on. –grombleduke

11. Giving your ear a job

Wearing a mask gives my completely deaf right ear something worthwhile to do. As I can’t hear anything through it, that ear’s only other function is to add handsomeness and symmetry. –nosnowtho

12. Hiding teeth

It hides my teeth. –salmonsensual_69

13. No facial recognitionn

Defeats the facial recognition software. –rschoppe2

14. Not dying

I’m a fresh heart transplant patient and I’m required to wear one in public for the first year. Not strictly COVID, but literally any pissbaby infection that most anyone can shrug off could kill me at this stage. 🤷‍♂️ –MikoRiko

15. Talking to yourself

I can talk to myself without people seeing my mouth move. –Weak_suicide

16. Warmth

I was in New York a month ago (I live in Florida). It wasn’t cold enough for New Yorkers to wear scarves yet, but it felt like it to me because I live in the south. So wearing a face mask was a handy way to warm my face without looking like a tourist lol –selfmade117

17. Style

Black mask goes hard with my outfit and hairstyle. –pineapple_boiii

18. No makeup

Don’t have to put on a full face of makeup. Fill in my eyebrows, put on mascara and I’m good! –tofueggs

19. Privacy

Just minding our own business. –shubham030296

20. Making faces

It allows me to pull faces at people who annoy me at the grocery store without repercussions. Which actually makes the whole process more pleasant. –Oeebag-a-donuts