Politics in the United States seem to get crazier with every election. In the past, it was always funny to think that a celebrity could become president, but nowadays it’s totally a possibility. Which is bananas to think about.
Someone asked people to share who they think could become president of the united states if they decided to run and here are some of the best responses.
See how many of these people you’d vote for!
What person do you think could easily become the President of the United States if they decided to run for it?
Given the state of US politics at the moment, and my resultant view of the general population, a critically diseased badger with 75% of its brain removed.
ETA. Wow, this blew up a bit. Think we know who the front-runner in 2024 should be.
I don’t have a great answer here but I once saw somebody ask Condi Rice if she would ever run for President and she said (paraphrased), “People are used to seeing me in a political role but not saying too many political things so they always project what they want me to think onto me. They see me hand flowers to a diplomat & as long as I don’t mess that up, they assume I’m exactly what they hope I am. If they’re a conservative they presume I’d be pretty reliably conservative. If they’re moderate, they presume I’d be very moderate. But the moment I declared for President, they’d start asking me things like what I think about abortion, and immediately a lot of the people who thought I should run would quickly find reasons to hate me they didn’t know they had”
Not advocating for Rice as President (obviously), but I think it was a good point, especially when you think of celebrity candidates like I’m seeing on this thread. In a lot of subtle ways we probably hope for the best politically on celebrities we like but the moment they have to start talking about issues we aren’t used to seeing them talk about, a lot of the love would go out the window pretty quickly.
Nobody. No matter who you pick, 50% of the country is going to hate them on partisan principles alone. Could be the Christian embodiment of God themselves, and people would find a way to justify vitriol toward them.
No one could “easily” win the Presidency nowadays. You could have Jesus (D) rising from the dead (again) and running on a platform of world peace and prosperity for all Americans against a rabid raccoon (R) frothing at the mouth while growling menacingly, and they’d still end up splitting the votes 51/49.
Schwarzenegger. He can’t run but if he was eligible I think he’d win in a walk. Was a republican governor but unlike most republicans actually has some empathy and left-leaning potential. I feel like he could run on either side and win.
In all seriousness, Michelle Obama. If she chose to run, she’d win in a landslide. For the same reason that if Barack Obama was allowed to run for a 3rd term, he’d have been re-elected too.
They’re just too likable.
Edit: And I’m not even saying I’d vote for her (I might!). I’m just saying what I think is true.
Unless the electoral system changes (which it won’t), no one will easily win a US Presidential election for decades to come. There are states that will vote for the Republican candidate no matter who it is, and states that will vote for the Democratic candidate no matter who it is. Every election will be contested in about 10-12 states. The other states are, and will continue to be, insignificant. It is also likely that Democrats will keep winning the popular vote, and Republicans will win the electoral vote about half the time.