People Are Sharing The Absolutely Evil Things Their Roommates Have Done (15 Stories)


“I let my cousin live with me while she only paid 1/4 of the rent and she was severely bipolar, but also just a bitch, and once she blocked me from leaving my house, tried to make me lose my house and dogs. She was evicted and pretty much cut off from our family after her own father, my uncle, watched her use my dining table to put a hole in my dining room wall and use a knife to rip open a cushion.” — awilson115


“I want to preface this with mentioning he had his own perfectly working bathroom. That didn’t matter though. He decided when he inevitably got opiate constipated he would go to MY bathroom with his laxatives take a huge s**t and not flush it. I know because he’d leave the laxative bottle. And the s**t. I moved out immediately.” — AlienCaterpillar


“I once roomed with a (now former) close friend. She ended up essentially moving her creepy boyfriend in. A lot of things happened over the course of that year, all terrible in their own right, and then her boyfriend took a shit in my bathtub. So that was that.” — drownednotgod


“Spent our rent at the bar. And I say ‘our’ because I paid it to him and then he went to the bar and spent it and his half of the rent as well. Moved out before the eviction notice hit the door. Thankful for my in-laws who took me in while I was pregnant because of that dick.” — waapplerachel


“She left a package of pig (I hope) kidneys to defrost on the heater in the shared hallway. I had been reading about Jeffrey Dahmer around that time, so finding kidneys in the hall put me a bit on edge.” — LittleBitOdd

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