People Share “Oddly Specific Signs” Someone Is A Good Person (20 Posts)


“They look engaged when you speak to them, and are patient if you’re struggling to explain something. I’m so used to feeling like I have to “sell” my conversation points to hold anyone’s attention that someone actually asking me to expand more on my thoughts really takes me off guard.” – moringa_tea


“They wait for you when you bend down to tie your shoes” – Goughmi


“If they are working on something and drop small trash (bits of paper, tape) they pick it up and throw it away” – Not_Used_To_People


“In social settings, they notice when someone is kinda left out and they find a way to include that person in the conversation or whatever fun is being had.” – MischievousMutt


“How they treat animals when no one is looking. Especially stray animals and wildlife.” – Candid-Self3276


“If they decide they don’t want to buy something, they put it back where they found it instead of just leaving on a shelf somewhere else.” – beakerNH


“My friend sends thank you notes to their dentist.” NellieKane


“They don’t ruin your jokes. And that’s a big one.” – N173M4R3Z


“They always return the cart to the cart corrals.” – motownmods


“They way they treat people serving them, like waiters, waitresses, hotel staff, janitors etc” – StingRayyyJay

You can read the entire post here.

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