People From Small Towns Share Their Hometown’s “Dark Secret” (17 Stories)


“Back in the 80’s a couple were driving a motorcycle when they were stopped by three men, who then raped the woman while forcing her husband to watch, then they killed both. The police caught them not so long after. The same night that they were caught, a mob of 300+ people gathered in front of the police department, broke in and told the sheriff “You guys did an excellent job, now leave it to us”. The mob broke the cell where the three men were, beated’em up and attached them (alive) into cars and dragged them for 4 miles until a park in the middle of the city, where they set them on fire (alive) while everybody was clapping and cheering.” — BananadiN


“Some high school football players shoved broomsticks up freshman players asses in the locker room after a practice. The coach found out and did nothing about it. The whole town knew and nothing happened to anyone in the form of punishment. Every game for the rest of the year, opposing team’s fans brought broomsticks to games.” — MoberJ


“Look up the Gainesville Ripper. Killed a bunch of students and dismembered the bodies in really gross ways. This was about 30 years ago. I guess it’s not really a secret if there are podcasts about it but it’s slowly being forgotten.” — acrewdog


“A bunch of teachers and administrators from my high school went to a conference over the summer. Apparently on the way there they came up with ‘whatever happens at <conference> stays at <conference>.’ A bunch of them slept together but I guess it got out of hand and some of the people that didn’t want to participate in the crazy sex started to get harassed. One particularly good looking female teacher that didn’t want to participate had reported the harassment to the school principal. He did nothing about it. That night several male teachers and the school dean forced her into a hotel room and raped her. A lot of teachers and admins did not return to school in the fall. The teachers got off with the rape because it was her word against theirs. And they all claimed she consented, and then when the regret set in started to claim rape. It was really sad. She kept teaching but was a different person. She was always a very happy energetic type teacher. After the rape all her joy was gone.” — newtekie1


“Two different girls in my town disappeared 10 years apart. The secret is that everyone knew who had done it. It was the original girl’s ex-boyfriend and he bragged and confessed to his friends and acquaintances for 10 YEARS that he had murdered her. He was never arrested because of most of the people he told didn’t want to go to the police because of drug usage and the police felt like they never had enough evidence? So the second girl starts seeing him (and even tells her friends that she doesn’t think he’s dangerous like everyone says) and disappears and he’s still out there bragging. They find the second girl’s car burned out in the woods and he has burns on his hands. No one does anything because there’s no bodies. Then a mushroom hunter stumbles on the two corpses deep in the woods buried in shallow graves side by side. The guy finally got arrested, but last I heard the police bungled the investigation AGAIN and a bunch of evidence was thrown out. So far he hasn’t had a trial because he was declared unfit.” — EvilParapsychologist


“This was around 15 years ago, but there was a Sheriff’s Deputy that was seemingly a really cool guy. Friendly, cracked a lot of great jokes, etc. He was working at the local high school as a School Resource Officer and was apparently almost universally well regarded. Well, it turns out that he repeatedly raped a 14 year old. He told the boy that he’d kill his parents if he reported the officer. I don’t remember all the details, but I believe this went on for weeks or months before it was found out and the officer was arrested and eventually went to prison.” — yuumai


“Two sisters got picked up by a group of men. Both were raped and thrown off a bridge that is 45 minutes outside of town. One sister survived but later in life went back and jumped off the bridge.” — Costalez

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