17 People Share Their “Something’s Wrong I Can Feel It” Moments


“Her demeanor has changed, she’s much more secretive, and she’s always hanging out with “he’s just a friend.” Lightbulb! She’s (wife) cheating on me!” –Scrat360


“Was up late one night and just … felt off. Like a stomach ache but not quite. Woke my mom, told her something was wrong but I didn’t know what. We went to the ER. By the time we got there I was screaming and ended up admitted to the hospital for five days. My gallbladder basically exploded.

Also, once in college mom woke me from a dead sleep with a phone call and I just had a bad feeling, in my half asleep state going (seriously, if groggily) “Who died?” Her mom had passed in the night.” –wheniswhy


“This past Christmas I went over to my partner’s aunts house. We were all having a good time but I felt something off in the pit of my stomach. About two hours into the night, her aunt comes around the corner, bent over with her mouth open. I thought she was trying to run outside to throw up after a night of drinking. But my gf told me her face was turning blue. Turns out she was choking on a piece of food. One person tried to do the Heimlich maneuver but couldn’t get it. I stepped in and was finally able to get the food out. Funny thing is we left like 30 minutes before that but stopped back by real quick. We still don’t know what made us come to the house again but I’m sure glad we did!” –BlueGaze05


“My dad and I like to joke around a lot so I tend to go where he is and bother him (lol) and he happened to be in the kitchen since he was cooking dinner. I left the kitchen to use the bathroom and was going to go straight to my room but something told me to go back to the kitchen and see what my dad was doing. I walk into the kitchen and he was choking on something and couldn’t speak so I freaked out and say “Are you choking?!” And he was signaling yes so I yell to my mom and sister to come help me. The crazy part is my mom literally learned CPR that same week at her job so she was able to do the Heimlich maneuver and dislodge to food stuck in his throat. It all happened very quickly but I always think about what would have happened had I not walked back into the kitchen.” –letsturnip


“Didn’t drive down to the stop sign at the end of my street right away. A car turned onto my street and slipped on the ice, drove through the stop I would have been in and onto my neighbors lawn. Would have been hit if I had driven further.” –DerryGirlJames


“I woke up one random morning with this horrible, overwhelming sense of doom. It felt like this oppressive cloud of dread on top of me. I have anxiety, so I’m familiar with the anxious impending doom feeling, but this was not it. It felt ominous. I tried to shrug it off, go about my morning routine. Midway through making coffee, my best friend calls me. Her mom passed away that morning.” –The-Overthinker_


“I was 16 or 17, and my family was heading out of town to visit relatives for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I was driving for the first leg. It was night, and the interstate through town was almost empty. I was in the right lane, had cruise set right at the speed limit, and a semi was slowly passing on the left. A car came off an onramp that turns into a temporary lane that ends as an exit. The car didn’t have room to merge on unless I slowed down, but I got this feeling to not let it pull in front of me. His turn signal comes on, requesting I give him room to merge. I bump up the cruise control 1mph to keep him from merging. Right as he’s being forced down the exit ramp, the back of his car lurches with a mechanical tearing noise and a shower of sparks, and I watch his right rear wheel land in the road as he disappears down the ramp.

If I’d let him merge in front of me that wheel would likely have gone through the windshield.” –mstomm