People Share The Things That Piss Them Off Instantly (20 Posts)

Look, we all lose our tempers at random moments. It might seem ridiculous to fly into a rage over misplacing your phone or seeing someone drop a coffee cup on the ground ten feet from a garbage pail, but we’re only human. And being human means we do sweat the small stuff.

On Reddit, folks are sharing the little things that piss them off instantly.

And honestly, it’s very relatable. So next time you’re listening to headphones on the subway, and they get stuck in your scarf and are violently pulled from your ears as you turn your head— you are not alone.

1. Losing Things

“When I put the thing in a specific place, and then I go to get it from that specific place, and the thing isn’t there. Where’s the f*cking thing? I put it there, I know I did. No one knows anything about the thing or its whereabouts. Drives me insane. Later on I inevitably find the thing in a different place, and suddenly remember putting it there. Then I am pissed off with myself.” — Stander1979

2. Certain Sounds

“Mosquito sounds.” — FancyCrab77

3. One-Sided Conversation

“When in a conversation someone does a whole monologue but when they’re done, wont let you get a single word in and will even walk away.” — Tiddyparlour

4. Douchebag Behavior

“Schrödinger’s douchebag. Defined as someone who speaks or acts in offensive ways and then decides whether he was joking or not based on people’s reactions.” — ZombieBait604

5. Hitting Your Head

“When I hit my head on something. There’s this pipe right around head level near my washing machine and utility sink (I’m not even tall…it’s an old house). I bump my head on it an embarrassing amount of times. I always want to smash something when I do.” — scrodytheroadie

6. Not Making Space

“People who don’t let others OFF things (elevators, subways, etc.)…while they try to get on.” — CharmingWitty

7. Stepping In Stuff

“When I’m wearing socks and walk into my kitchen area and step into wet.” — CarderSC2

8. Opening Packages

“Trying to open ‘easy open’ packaging to find out that sh*t is not, in fact, easy to open in any way, shape, or form.” — beard_lover

9. Interruptions

“People who always interrupt you when you’re mid sentence.” — RatchetBenjamin

10. Spitting

“As a nurse…patients that spit at me!!! Very few things make me want to cock punch you like spitting at me!” — Sweet_Reindeer

11. Litter

“Littering. Just throw your garbage in the garbage can and not the floor.” — Jingleheimer54

12. Having To Pee

“Getting comfy in bed and realizing I have to pee.” — 07FRK28KMC21

13. Headphones

“Wired headphones getting ripped off my face unexpectedly.” — The_F_B_I

14. Getting Caught

“When you walk out a door and your belt loop gets caught on the door handle.” — krezgobop

15. Liars

“People who lie to me.” — Snoo79382

16. Being Treated Like A Child

“Being treated like a child, or like I’m stupid. Instant rage.” — butter00pecan

17. False Accusations

“False accusations made against me.” — 1BoiledCabbage

18. Explaining Feelings

“Being told I’m upset/mad about something when I’m not. Happens with my mom all the time. Sometimes I just need to be left alone with my feelings. I’m not mad, just don’t want to bother explaining my feelings about something.” — Negative_Shake1478

19. Calling Companies

“The thought of having to call some company to deal with the fact that they don’t make getting things done online easy.” — RunRevolutionary9019

20. Bad Drivers

“No turn signals.” — dices7

Featured Image: Pexels

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.