Women Share The Things They Wish Men Would Do Without Asking (16 Posts)

There are probably a million pieces of media dedicated to the question “what do women want” — but I guess men still don’t know? On Reddit, women are sharing the things they wish men would just know and do — and I think we all know the answer is TELL THEM. However, according to some women on the thread, sometimes you just don’t want to do that.

1. Compliments

“Compliments on things other than my looks.” — Confetticandi

2. Cuddles

“Cuddles, without it leading to sex.” — half_blood1

3. Find Chores

“Take initiative. Find the chores that need to be done and do them.” — searedscallops

4. Stop Interrupting

“For them to be aware of when they interrupt/talk over a woman and to always immediately stop, apologize, and ask her to continue what she was saying.” — celestialism

5. Protection

“Protection. Asking them is rarely practical, but if there’s a drunk guys twice my size in a club yelling at me and grabbing me, how comes there are like 200 guys around who are just in this moment conveniently looking into a different direction?” — [deleted]

6. Empathy

“For them to understand how I feel. EMPATHY. Sometimes it’s like only their opinions matter (cause as a female I was brought up to cater to their needs and ya know ‘boys will be boys’ not anymore).” — Logical_KaleV

7. Be More Spontaneous

“Make efforts for spontaneous adventures. Even a tiny thing like hopping into the car to watch a sunset and then handing me flowers. I just want to DO stuff together to bond that doesn’t only involve a penis inside of me.” — Tasty_Education5905

8. Kisses

“When I ask for a kiss, what I want is a full on, open mouth, deep passionate kiss. Not a peck. A ‘this will make my panties drop’ kind of kiss. You know, since I asked nicely…” — Pahanka

9. Pay Attention

“To pay more attention to the small things.” — greyeyedgirl

10. Consume Media By Women

“Consume more media by women. Especially books. I think one of the main reasons it’s so hard for men to put themselves in women’s shoes is that historically most media has been by men about men, with the female characters as supporting roles (also written by men). It would go a long way for men to strive to read at least half of their books by female authors. I know that tv and movies are harder to come by, but it’d be a huge start.” — baitnnswitch

11. Assume Intelligence

“Assumption of intelligence as opposed to the converse.” — ScarecrowNighmare

12. Nail Care

“To paint my toe nails. I saw my dad do this for my mom all the time and thought it was the cutest thing ever and I kinda want that.” — Anna_phant14

13. Just Listen

“Stop trying to fix my problems and just LISTEN to me!” — pseudochristiankinda

14. Make Way

“For them to move out of the way when we’re walking toward each other instead of expecting everyone else to move over like they’re parting the Red Sea or something.” HRPunsNStuff

15. Flowers

“Random flowers. I would ask, but then I feel like it would be me asking for flowers and that’s not what I want. It’s not a huge deal or I’d probably be motivated to ask. I do try to praise my bf like crazy when he has done this in the past in hopes he’ll do it more in the future.” — comingupghosts

16. Acknowledge The Patriarchy Exists

“Acknowledging patriarchal behaviors that are socially imprinted and are harmful for both men a women.” — that_other_geek

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