It’s Not Always Easy To Spot A Liar But Sometimes It Is (25 Tells)


When you are telling someone about something and they have to cut you off to tell you about something similar that is slightly better in some way.—u/starscreamsghost17


“Do your own research” invariably means, “No, don’t find the most likely explanation. You need to watch this YouTube video of a guy in a truck with sunglasses on. He makes a lot of sense.”—u/AwkwardRelevance


Anyone who says something about detox. Edit: By detox, I mean the people who drink “detox tea” cuz it would help remove toxins and negative energies from their bodies. Not people who go to rehab.—u/abeast0333


I’m a massage therapist and anyone who says they’re in the same profession as me because they practice Reiki is full of sh—t, without exception.—u/BW_Bird


When they don’t stop talking or have unlimited stories—u/No_Web_9121


“I’m a Navy SEAL,” from guys trying to hit on me. I get it, you’re ALL Navy SEALs 🙄. Why do I attract that type?—u/athena-zxe11


Anyone who feels compelled to remind you of their education or achievements prior to dispensing unsolicited advice.—u/TheSpatulaOfLove


“It’s a fact that…”

“Believe me.”

“I am very smart/a genius.”

“I have a great thing.” That never materializes

“No one is better than me.”

These are all things bullsh*tters say and do in order to manipulate the people around them.—u/crystalistwo


Leery of anyone using the phrase, “out of the kindness of my heart.” I think I’ve sincerely only ever heard it from people who have absolutely no kindness in their hearts.—u/Amiiboid


Either on a dating profile or on a first date when a woman says “I have no time for drama.” They LOVE drama and live for it. They can’t get enough. They have an unquenchable thirst for drama. Everyone likes a little drama. There’s nothing wrong with it. That’s why reality shows are so popular. Just don’t go out of your way to say it every two minutes. That means you’re full of it.—u/casino_night