25 People Share Their “Worst Sexual Experience”


I once had a guy just from out of nowhere spit straight into my mouth. Like a big ol’ wad of warm saliva. I had no problem swallowing his cum lol but for some reason I found that just kind of disgusting.

I guess the surprise factor didn’t help. —monica_9090


was on a date, and was going good. As night went on she had gotten a cough but she told me it was just some tickle in her throat from the dinner we had. Anyway. Were getting nekked and she starts a coughing fit as we start. Suddenly shes coughing up blood and saying she cant breathe. Apparently she was given incorrect meds and she was having a slow reaction to them. Anyway rushed to hospital she was in icu for 2 days. She atleast now has quite a nice place due to settlements. —Rtreesaccount420


Said this elsewhere, but to keep it short One Night stand, went to chick’s place, started getting hot & heavy, she said she was going to get ready, after 10-20ish minutes she came back wearing a full Barney the Dinosaur costume at which point my brain blue screened on me. —whatnameisnttaken098


At the start of our relationship right before our first time together, my boyfriend groped one of my stomach rolls thinking it was a boob and asked me when I took my bra off… I was still wearing it lol. It was mortifying in the moment for the both of us, but now kind of hilarious to look back on. —justagirls


Self-inflicted on a solo mission. Used Suave Strawberry Shampoo as a masturbatory lubricant on my penis. The next day skin on my shaft was flaking off like a lizard.

My GF suggested sex that next night, and I had to come clean about why I needed a rain check. —sgf68

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