People Rally To Crowdfund Troll Portrait For Choosing Beggar Who Demanded Free Art

If you work in any field you’ve probably been asked to do something for free. If you’re a doctor, some yokel probably asked you to examine his mole at a barbecue and if you’re a mechanic, your friend has probably slipped you a wrench and asked you to just “take a peek” under his hood pro bono. But if you work in a creative field or the arts being asked for freebies is much more rampant. While people look at a plumber and see “a trade” they look at a writer or a graphic designer and think “Oh it’s just that fun little thing they do…they won’t mind!” 

The problem is so rampant that there’s even a subreddit dedicated to people who want things for free that people are supposed to pay for called “Choosing Beggars.”

Needless to say, artists are fed up with being asked to work for free by Choosing Beggars (or “CBs”) as though their work has no value and one woman found that out the hard way when these unappreciated souls banded together to troll her.


Here’s the backstory: An artist named Bunnyearrs regularly posts on Reddit offering her services for digital commissions. In several posts, she mentions that she’s doing the commissions to pay medical bills.

(Here are some samples of her pet portraits.)

Apparently someone contacted Bunnyearss requesting a free portrait of her kid’s bunny that had sadly been killed by a dog. That’s a shame for the kid (and the bunny) but a stranger’s sob story still doesn’t mean free art, not when people have bills to pay.

However, after initially saying no the artist decided to do the portrait after all… She just needed a few details which the non-paying customer very rudely provided.

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The entitled douchecanoe called the artist a scammer, harassing her and demanding her free art NOW NOW NOW!

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That’s when the insults, threats, and terrible spelling increased.

Being an entitled prick is one thing but being a total assh*le for no reason is another. A lesson had to be taught and so the folks of Choosing Beggars decided to put up the money themselves so that the Free Art Demander could have her free portrait…with a twist.

The bunny would be painted in the dog’s mouth.

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Naturally, the non-paying customer didn’t like this one bit and what can only be described as a digital sh*tstorm ensued. 

choosing beggars bunny picture, choosing beggars reddit bunny picture, choosing beggar trolled, choosing beggar dog with bunny in mouth

The Free Art Demander blew chunks of nasty invective like the girl from the Exorcist, wishing death upon the artist’s family, but the Reddit community saw things differently.

For the record, you don’t seem like a heartless b*tch to me. Maybe a morbid sense of humor, but that entitled asshat can fuck right off.


Then the saga took another twist when the unhinged art solicitor FOUND THE ARTIST’S POST ON REDDIT and flipped her lid to previously unreached heights.

This led to a hodgepodge of threats and half-assed appeals for sympathy..which were quickly replaced by still more threats. The person claimed the prank would ruin the artist’s life, her daughter’s life, and probably the dead rabbit’s afterlife. 

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“My niece will make a post about this” oOoOhHHhH noOo


After learning her behavior was being publicly mocked she sent Bunnyearrs even more histrionic threats, including threatening legal action, among other things.

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It’s a hilariously kitchen sink approach to bullying someone as the CB simultaneously threatens legal action, career damage, and even attempts to hex her with the COVID-19 virus. 

This lady is so full of sh*t, it’s hilarious LOL if she couldn’t afford the commission in the first place, she definitely can’t afford a lawyer. No lawyer would advise to sue someone for “plagiarism” or emotional distress for something stupid like this.

Source: am lawyer.


Here’s that portrait again in case anyone needs to spruce up their living room.

dog portrait with bunny in mouth, dog with bunny in mouth art, dog with bunny in mouth picture, dog with bunny in mouth, choosing beggars bunny picture, choosing beggars reddit bunny picture, choosing beggar trolled, choosing beggar dog with bunny in mouth

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