Man Wonders If He’s A Jerk For Not Sharing Garage Space With His Girlfriend

It’s nice to have two cars — until you realize you only have space for one.


In a recent post by u/carissueaita in Reddit’s AITA, we were dragged into a touchy debate: whose car is more important, his or hers?

According to the post, it’s offensive to offer curbside in exchange for one’s own garage space. Is he the asshole for sticking to his guns? Let’s examine for a moment.

OP asks:


OP begins:

I (m28) am in a two years relationship with my girlfriend (f27) and we haven’t got any big problems yet. We don’t live together but she spends a lot of time at my place because she has roommates.

“It’s the 1973 Dodge Dart Swinger or me.”

I have a a 1973’s dodge dart swinger, it’s kind of broken down and i bought it really cheap a few years ago. The car is not that good but I honestly have a deep love for it and i spend a lot of money on it wherever i have some money left to spend. Recently my girlfriend brought a 2017’s Renault kwid, the car is nice, it’s new too so it doesn’t even have a scratch.

Dodge Dart Swinger

The thing is my girlfriend demanded that i leave my car outside when she sleeps over so she can leave her car in my garage. She said that since her car is new then it is more important to keep it safe. I obviously disagreed, my car might be cheaper but it still is my car and i think I deserve to keep it safe because it’s my only vehicle.

She stated that I’m being selfish because she had to work a lot to make enough money to buy the car so i tried to calm her down and told her that i could pick her up at her house when she wants to stay over (she’ll be able to leave the car in her home’s garage) to which she said no and that she had brought the car to be seen in a new car and not a broke down one.

Then she called me stupid and told me i was ruining our relationship for a car and i answered that she was doing the same. She leaved and hasn’t been answering my calls. Was i really wrong for this? Or should I stand on my ground?

Photo by Keira Burton

Now, my car is very important to me, and for a lot of us out there, our cars have their own boundary pool. When it comes to vintage cars and the long process of repair, a somewhat disturbing attachment can form between the buyer and their “whip.” It’s definitely okay to be proud of your projects, but at what point do we compromise for someone else?

On the flip side, it’s understandable that his girlfriend values her brand new car, but asking your significant other to put your assets ahead of their own, value or not- is a little degrading. When it comes down to it, the problem isn’t the cars or the couple. A further analysis concludes a two-door garage is vital. Are we assholes for loving our vehicles to the point of no return?

Finally, OP updates his post:

Edit: my girlfriend and i spoke… She’s really mad that i made this post and what people is saying about her, she said that I’m making her seem bad. She told me that she thought that I’ll be more understanding with this and asked me how do I expect to move forward if i can’t even make something so small for her. I told her i wasn’t ready for the next step and she got more angry and kicked me out of her house. i don’t know if we can solve this out now, I’m really doubtful about what to do but still thank you to all of you for your nice messages.

What did people have to say?

byu/carissueaita from discussion

Fair point. Also, how many cars are stolen in this neighborhood to make them so on edge? Is this a common debate between car-owning couples?

Surprise! Not the first time this has happened:

byu/carissueaita from discussion

A final take

Seems a little bitter, but I’d have to agree that this is the blunt and honest truth. It may be time to re-evaluate the priorities within the relationship.