20 Signs Someone Wasn’t “Raised Right,” According To Reddit


“They whistle, snap their fingers, or make that ‘pspsps’ sound to get their server’s attention in a restaurant.” — evil_agent_perry


“They apologize for every little thing. Probably a sign that they grew up with abusive parents that got mad over anything and everything.” — potatozceuncher


“They one-up you all the time.” — maleorderbride


“They gossip about others and will be vindictive behinds people’s backs, but pretend to be sweet to their face.” — cucumberMELON123


“They think handling a disagreement means shouting, attacking someone’s character, name-calling or breaking things.” — verysadgirly


“When they are sexist.” — JustAnotherYaoiFan


“Inviting themselves to others peoples homes or gatherings.” — Basic_W1te_boy


“They act like mental illness is something you can just get over.” — Chill_Franchfries


“Leaving the cart in parking places fills me with genuine rage. I lived in a super windy town and those shopping carts can do quite a bit of damage to vehicles once they get going. How flipping lazy can you be? Walk your cart back, you cretin.” — Aviouse96


“People who don’t offer to help you clean up when they are visiting you.”  — elkje66

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Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.