Woman Refuses To Fix Her Babysitters Laptop After Her Kid Breaks It

When taking on the “Babysitting” position, it’s good to understand the risks you’re taking. Sometimes it’s the easiest job in the world and can be loads of fun taking care of children who listen and make the experience a breeze. Some kids however, are rotten and misbehave due to bad parenting. This can make the job a million times harder than it should be.

One unfortunate babysitter recently went through a series of unfortunate events when one of the kids she was babysitting snatched up her laptop and decided to make it a game to get it back. After dropping her computer and shattering the screen, this poor babysitter didn’t know what else to do besides ask the mother to help her cover the expenses. Unwilling to admit that her kid was a brat, OP (u/throwaw679991) refused to pay for repairs, and received a rightful response of disbelief from her loyal babysitter. Read her side of the story in full below and let us know if you think she was wrong for not helping this young, laptop-less girl out.

“She said that she left the laptop in the living room and went to make the kids lunch, but my youngest grabbed it and ran with it until he dropped it and broke the screen.”

Photo by Karolina Grabowska: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mother-scolding-child-for-bad-behavior-at-table-6957144/

OP asked the “Am I The A-hole?”community: “AITA for refusing to pay for fixing the babysitter’s laptop?”

I (single mom of 2) hired a babysitter after I started working a new job (used to do WFH for 2 years).

My kids are 8 & 6. The babysitter is 17. she brings her laptop with her to study which is perfectly okay with me as long as she keeps an eye on the kids.

Yesterday, I came home and the babysitter showed me her laptop that got broken by my youngest. I was shocked I asked how this happened, and she said that she left the laptop in the living room and went to make the kids lunch but my youngest grabbed it and ran with it til he dropped it and broke the screen. I said that was horrible and apologized to her but stated it was her fault for leaving the laptop within reach of children. She said she thought my kids were old enough to know not to touch others stuff. I explained how they might have thought it belonged to us since it was in our house. She asked if I could pay for it to get fixed but I refused and insisted it was her problem not mine. She ranted about having exams soon and not having enough money to get it fixed. We argued and I had to tell her to go home after she persisted.

Later on, I got a call from her dad basically blaming the whole thing on me, and demanding I pay to get the laptop fixed but I still refused. Now she’s refusing to come again unless I pay her for the laptop repair even though I paid her in advance to watch the kids.

Personally, I feel like 8 and 6 years old are plenty old enough to know not to touch other peoples things, and furthermore to give them back when asked. If her child, who the babysitter was sweet enough to watch, is the one who broke her laptop, then by all means the mother should be the one to help her pay for repairs.

Redditors in the comment section agreed that OP was definitely the “A-hole” in this situation. Here are some of the top comments from the post:
