Student Loans Sure Seem Like A Scam And We’ve Got The Screenshots To Prove It (16 Pics)

If you graduated from college, you’re probably excruciatingly aware of how frustrating the whole student loan system is. A college diploma is practically mandatory, tuition costs have skyrocketed, and wages are… not great. It’s easy to rack up tens of thousands of dollars in debt that will stay with you for decades to come.

With interest, many people wind up paying tens of thousands of dollars more than the cost of the principal loan. Add to that inscrutable credit scores, stalkerish collectors, and sleazy or unresponsive middlemen and you can understand how the whole thing starts to feel like a racket.

If you’re not convinced the student loan industry is a scam that needs to be reformed, take a gander at these screenshots.

1. Going backward is demoralizing

2. Waiting on hold is a full-time job that doesn’t pay

3. At least the money is being well spent!

4. Are ya winning?

5. You might retire before your student loans do

6. How’d that work out?

7. Penny for your (infuriated) thoughts?

8. Oh in that case

9. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

10. This should be illegal?

11. Sure seems like a scam!

12. Takes a lot of help to be self-sufficient

13. This is stalker behavior

14. A drop in the bucket

15. You could always sign up to, uh, “serve your country”

16. Oh well, at least America can make a game out of the whole debacle

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