husband cheating

Woman’s Brother-In-Law Blamed A “Spiritual Demon” For The Scratches On His Back And She Called B.S.

Reddit’s “Am I The Assh*le?” forum is always a good source of both entertainment and schadenfreude. And while most stories on AITA involve fairly typical relationship issues that come up between partners and in families, this one has an evangelical twist with some good old religious magical thinking thrown in for flavor. 

A Redditor recently suspected that her sister’s husband is cheating, due to some strange behavior on this part, and wonders whether it was her place to speak up.

When this Redditor’s brother-in-law showed up with strange scratches on his back the explanation he gave has to be heard to be believed…

Here’s the OP’s story. The people in this eyebrow-raising tale are deeply religious. This will prove important.

“This is a wild situation. To give some background, I (32F) have a sister “Leah” (26F). She’s been married to “Jake” for five years, and they have two kids. We all grew up very Christian, I ended up leaving the church, but my sis and BIL are still on fire Christians.

Anyway, Leah has mentioned things to me that seem very sketchy. I think Jake is cheating, but she won’t accept the thought. He leaves their bed at night and doesn’t come back til after work the next day, he hides money, and he’s trying not to conceive another kid with my sister. I’ve gently tried to give her a reality check, but it hasn’t worked.”

Ah well I’m sure she’ll see reason. Go on…

“Well, on Friday after work they came over to swim (totally fine in our state). Jake was swimming with the kids, and my sister and I were sitting in the grass keeping an extra eye on them. Jake had lots of red scratches on his back, to me they looked like fingernails. I made a joke to my sister about their dry spell being over, and she said they still hadn’t had sex in a year.

I gently told her that they looked like finger marks, and that it was sketchy as hell. She said casually that Jake had gone on a “prayer walk” with his men’s group and had been spiritually attacked by a demon. Now, we grew up with these kinds of beliefs, but I told her that was crazy and just an excuse.

She got really flustered and pulled her kids out of the pool. She told Jake she had a headache, and they left.

AITA for telling my sister my concerns? Should I have stayed out of her business?”


Did you catch the part about him claiming his love scratches were the result of being SPIRITUALLY ATTACKED BY A DEMON? Damn, true believers are a wild bunch. The internet closed its gaping jaw and weighed in.

Most agreed that the poster was NTA (Not The Assh*le) while urging caution and trying to wrap their brains around the whole absurd situation

NTA, the husband is. But at this point, you’ve done all you can. Your sister is in denial. Pushing further will just push her away, perhaps even after she comes to terms with it.


NTA. But use caution, you need to be her safe space. Pushing will cause her to shut down and if she tells her husband that you’re doubting his (completely freaking absurd story) he could push for her not to talk to you.


NTA, but honestly? Your sister sounds delusional. There is no way she doesn’t see it for what it is. I mean, really? Demons? Attacking him on a prayer walk? C’mon.

I’d suggest an intervention but… I don’t think that would work out the way we’d want it too.

What does your family think about all this? Are they as aware as you are?


Others pointed out that OP’s sister’s religious delusions are the main issue here.

I mean NTA for trying to help but if your sister is so deeply deluded she thinks her husband’s sex marks are from a demon, there’s no helping her see the light. I would just drop it.


Yeah, the sister could catch her husband in bed with another woman, and she could be easily convinced that she was hallucinating under the influence of a demon. There is no helping crazy.


NTA. I mean you made lighthearted joke based on clear evidence of unusual activity, there’s no way to interpret the situation as your fault.

In any case, I think you’ve done enough. If she believes horseshit like that over your remark, you’re likely just wrecking your own relationship with her by pushing the issue further. Quite some gall for him to show up like that to several people and expect a damn demon explanation work its magic.


While one brave commenter stated the obvious that “having an affair” and “messing with demons” weren’t mutually exclusive.

Who said he’s not having sex with a demon?


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