Women Are Sharing Their “Sex Lives In Lockdown” Secrets On This IG Account (34 Pics)

Quarantine isn’t the sexiest time for everybody. Some people are single and alone, some people are stuck with people that maybe seemed sexy in March, and by late April they never wanted to see naked again. Unnatural circumstances change all our relationships to our bodies and to sex. 

But that doesn’t mean sexiness has to end. If you’re looking for inspiration to get your motor revving, try checking out the Instagram account Sex Lives, started by actors Joanna Scanlan and Alex Roach and theatre director and writer Jenny Duffy, according to the Daily Mail. Their plan is to turn these stories into an actual drama series, so it’s not just personal for us…it’s for art.

They put out a call for true stories from people’s sex lives or lack thereof, and women were happy to respond with their tales of self-pleasure, mutual pleasure, and frustrated pleasure.

The stories are pretty relatable, because we’ve all gone through dry spells or times when we didn’t enjoy our partners as much—and even times when we couldn’t get enough because it might be the end of the world. Here are the best ones below:









