Dating is really rough, whatever your gender may be. But we tend to hear more about bad dates from the perspective of women than men. I don’t know if that’s because more women talk about dating more or more women have bad experiences or men are more embarrassed to talk about the ones they have. But in the sanctity of Reddit’s r/AskMen, the fellas are willing to expose their humiliation to support their brothers.
Redditor u/lorde_swagster shared a brief but traumatic story about a date gone south and begged others to do the same, writing, “Men, my date booty called another dude in front of me mid-date last night and left, what’s the worst date you’ve experienced?”
The grammar is a little confusing, but it seems like he was on a date with someone who booty-called someone else in the middle of their evening, then left to have sex with them instead. Ouch! That’s rude on so many levels. Bad enough to run out on your date to have sex with someone else. It adds insult to injury to make sure they know about it! Be discreet, jeez.