Do all the technology and apps make dating harder or easier? There are a whole new set of unspoken rules when it comes to dating these days, and just like always, lots of people are breaking them. How soon after the date is too soon to text? Is 5 minutes long enough? If he doesn’t text me back within an hour, is he dead to me? How soon do I delete Tinder off my phone (and then how long until I compulsively add it again)?
Here are 30 tweets that perfectly sum up the state of dating in 2019. Whether you’re single and loving it or looking for love, there’s no way you won’t relate.
millennial dating
u: hey wyd wednesday
them: working to survive. wyd saturday
u: being tired from working to survive then laundry
them: nice— giabuchi lastrassi (@jaboukie) October 1, 2017
Day 329 without sex: I went to Starbucks just so I could hear somebody scream my name
— ryki (@ryankii) July 14, 2018
*gets ghosted*
Me: thank you for the 15-day free trial
— Slimè (@THEMYSTICS13) July 11, 2018