People Are Sharing The Pettiest Reasons They Refused To Date Someone (19 Stories)


“His hair was prettier than mine.”



“I don’t think she’d ever cleaned the bottom of the toilet seat. Everything was going great. I thought she was an amazing girl and we’d been seeing each other for two months. I went to her house for the first time and it was a little messy, but nothing to write home about. Then I went to the bathroom and put up the toilet seat…I don’t think she’d ever cleaned the bottom of the toilet seat given how disgusting it was. From then on, the only thing I could think about when talking or being with her was that disgusting toilet seat.” — u/sctrojans1112


“This guy would text ‘dame’ instead of ‘damn.’ It wasn’t a typo, either. It was every time.”— u/ldgrffn


“He tried to say what I was saying…at the same time as me. He started mouthing it and then slowly including more and more voice. I would stop talking and start again…and he mimicked the whole time.”— u/Grieie


“She called someone ‘a pompous.’ Nope, she didn’t say he was acting pompous or that he was a pompous ass. He was a pompous.”— u/bandi53


“About three weeks in, I cooked dinner. It was the first time we had eaten dinner quietly at home as a date. His chewing noises drove me up the wall, and I noped out after that.” — u/Get_bent_fucko


“He was awful in a trivia game we were playing. I mean really bad, like it was his first day pretending to be a human on Earth and the aliens hadn’t briefed him sufficiently.”— u/kara_anna


“All The Words In Every Text He Sent Were Capitalized. Trust Me, It Got ANNOYING.”— u/Daffodildandy


“She would insist on a job interview level of formality whenever we talked.

“The first time I asked her to my place went like this:

Me: So do you want to take this back to my place?

Her: Is this an invitation for intercourse?

Me: …Yes…it is…

Her: Please ask again properly.”— u/Not-an-Ocelot

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