Have you hit a rut in the sack? Before you go spending tons of money on stuff you think will help improve your sex life, maybe listen to people who swear on the small things. On Reddit, folks are sharing how their sex life improved when they took manageable steps — stuff like investing in their health and being more communicative — and many people also swear up and down on the magic of good pillow placement.
1. Pillows
“Pillow under the hips, just put the blanket over the pillow. Better angles.” — DGIce
2. Good Mood
“Being in a good and playful mood.” —three-five-zero
3. Hips
“Hip mobility.” — CartezDez
4. Smoke
“Quitting smoking.” — HalfChineseJesus
5. Prescriptions
“I accepted I had ED and sought help, got a light prescription. I know my problem is a mental issue, and I will in time work with a therapist so as not to crutch on the pills, but my god they gave me back excitement instead of heavy anxiety for when sexy times are upcoming. It’s night and day.” —wowsers808
6. Making Noise
“As a man, making just a little bit more noise, moans, sharp intakes of breath etc. Most girls really respond well to that, they enjoy themselves more, and then so do you.” — DaintyBoat
7. Learning
“Learning how to eat pussy so that she actually orgasms instead of just phoning it in.” —TomHardon69
8. Body Confidence
“Make your girlfriend/boyfriend confident about their body! It does wonders!” — Szecsaaa
9. A Magic Wand
“Bought one of those vibrating wands for my wife….Can’t tell you how much fun she has with it and took so much pressure off me to last longer, find the exact right spot when going down on her. I would recommend anyone in a long term relationship get one.” — gyrofx
10. A New Job
“Getting a new job. My last job absolutely sucked the life out of me, and I just didn’t realize it. Went from having sex maybe twice a month to at least 3-5 times a week.” — Gangrapechickens
11. Lube
“Lube is actually awesome and makes sex so much better. I know what your thinking ‘if we just do 10 mins of foreplay it’s the same thing’ or ‘I’m in my 20s I don’t need it.’ Trust me it’s pretty awesome and it’s even more awesome after 15 mins of foreplay. Use it!” — PM_Me_UrRightNipple
12. Exploration
“Figuring out what I like by exploring my own body. Then communicating to my partner what I like directly. Lastly communicating what I don’t like. Also encourage my partner to do the same. It’s great.” — HiImUnplugged
13. Less Porn
“Not looking at so much porn.” — Gupoochamois69
14. Toys
“Toys in the bedroom, with your partner! We’re both so much happier and engaged in the bedroom. We definitely don’t use them exclusively, but they’re great for when you want to spice things up or get in the mood quickly. People with vulvas, invest in a Satisfyer, you will NOT regret it.” — sidelineviewer75
15. Being Open
“Being open with my partners about what I like.” — BeardBoyWonder90
16. Cardio
“Cardio. Any exercise in general is good but cardio has done wonders.” — midwestswingerbull
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