Non-Americans Have Some Pretty Adorable Questions About Halloween In America (20 Tweets)

First, it’s the best holiday. Second, it’s the best holiday. I will not be taking questions at this time.

That said, a lot of people around the world don’t quite get American Halloween, which is fabulous and everyone should do it. Here are some of the most adorable questions people have asked around the internet about the holiday.

1. Spirit!

Twitter: @phairylights

2. How dare.

Twitter: @transgirllanga


Twitter: @meowturn

4. What’s wrong with you?

Twitter: @Kele901

5. Sometimes!

Twitter: @callmebizniz

6. Why WOULDN’T you?

Twitter: @lordjessus

7. No we do not, you’re right, that is gross.

Twitter: @bunofmischief

8. No, this is a myth

Twitter: @fearlessmedi

9. We do. Why would we care?

@pneapplekoo / Twitter

10. Both

11. Because it’s fun. We don’t ask you about Boxing Day.

12. Because people are shallow

13. We do!

14. yes!

15. This is my favorite one. 🥺

16. Sadly… no

17. Chill.

18. Nah.

19. I don’t think we do?

20. You’re really ragging on my whole THING here.