Texting Your Neighbor While Angry Can Backfire (32 Texts)

Some neighbors can be really great and some neighbors can be absolute nightmares. Some lend you sugar for your coffee, others call the cops on your dogs. Not all neighbors are a win, and thankfully, we don’t live next to these a**holes. Here are some angry neighbor texts from people even Mr. Rogers wouldn’t be able to stand.

1. I think I know how Melissa got her nickname

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

2. Wow, you try to help someone out

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

3. Kicked out of the babysitter’s club

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

4. “You hate trees”

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

5. Agree to disagree

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

6. Who let the dogs out?

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

7. “Not to be creepy but…”

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

8. Look what you made her do

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

9. Lisa, there’s food at stake here

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

10. LOL owned

@neighborsfromhell / Instagram

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