
Mom Says Her 4-Year-Old Kid Described Working At The Twin Towers On 9/11

Sorry to any parents in advance, but kids are creepy as hell. They’re always saying and doing the weirdest stuff, and there’s nothing you can do about it except gently course correct and hope they don’t make it a hobby.

Of course, they’re also cute as hell a lot of the time, so I guess it balances out. As long as they’re not time travelers, like TikToker Riss White’s four-year-old seems to be.

The mom posted a story that went viral because she responded to the prompt, where someone asked, “Tell me a time when your child told you a past life story.”

White stitched the question and said that on September 11th, 2018, she was looking on social media with her four-year-old daughter and a number of memorial posts came up. One of them featured a photo of the Twin Towers and her daughter pointed at one of them and said, “Hey mom, I used to work there.”

“When?” White asked, and her daughter answered, “Before.”


#stitch with @fredericaseverinsen creepy past life story. #pastlife #creepy

♬ original sound – Riss White

Yikes. Creepy kid alert

She said that one day she was working and the floor got really hot,” White continues. “So she stood on her desk because the floor was too hot. And she said that she and her friends were trying to get through the door but they couldn’t open the door so she jumped out of the window and flew like a bird.”

White insists her daughter knew nothing about 9/11 at the time, so these details that match so well with the stories of many people who jumped to their deaths that day is extremely disturbing.

The comments are full of people who are sharing stories about their kids or people they knew who have had past life stories:

Since the TikTok went viral, White has updated just to say that she understands the comments that aren’t as supportive and think she’s making it up. She also thought it was a strange story and doesn’t necessarily mean anything about past lives being real:

But White says she wouldn’t have made it up, because she feels that would be disrespectful to the memory of people who did die on 9/11, whether or not someone is reincarnated in the body of her child. I do believe that.