‘Am I Wrong For Quitting?’ — Worker Asked To Come In Even Though They Were Approved Time Off

We’re all appreciative of our time off from work. After all, going through the process of getting time off is usually a bit of a hassle. You have to request the dates off weeks in advance, hope that it gets approved, and then hope that you make it to the dates without coming across a need to go back in.

white desk clock near pen and book
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

One TikToker went viral for being asked to come in on her approved days off, and her response was pretty much what most of us would have done.

In a TikTok video posted by Taylor (taylormakesvideos), some text exchanges between @ and her boss showed how things played out. In the text overlay of her video, Taylor asked, “Am I wrong for quitting?”

 'Am I Wrong For Quitting?' — Worker Asked To Come In Even Though They Were Approved Time Off
taylormakesvideos via TikTok

Taylor’s viral video sparked discussion among viewers about how she should have handled the situation. In the video, a phone screen with a text exchange between Taylor and her manager, Karen, begins with her manager saying “I know you requested off, but I’m going to need you to work the 24th and 25th.” Putting two and two together, these dates fall on Christmas and Christmas Eve.

Obviously, Taylor wasn’t game for this. In her response, she wrote, “My request was already approved. You can’t just un-approve it. I’m not working Christmas Eve and Christmas. I have 2 kids.” You would think this response would warrant some compromise, but Karen responded with hostility instead. In her reply to Taylor, she wrote,

“This is not negotiable, there are no other options. If you’d like to keep your job, you’ll be coming in on the days I tell you to.” To this scare tactic, Taylor matched the energy, finalizing the conversation and her termination by responding, “Then I guess I quit. Merry Christmas! (peace out emoji)”

This worker’s TikTok of her being asked to come in even though her time-off was approved, brought in a whopping 1.8 million views.


Looking for legal advice if y’all have any… #work #legaladvice #fyp

♬ original sound – Taylor Watson

At the end of their messages, the manager asked Taylor to call her, but from what we can tell that’s the end of the conversation. In her caption, Taylor asked if any viewers had legal advice for her, given that the whole situation seemed a little unethical.

TikTok users in the comment section of the video told Taylor that she shouldn’t have quit and instead should have waited to be fired. This way, she could press more firm charges against “wrongful termination.” Many agreed that it was unfair of the manager to place so much pressure on Taylor, especially since she had already approved her time off.

Many viewers offered legal advice to Taylor and encouraged her to stand her ground:

worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok
worker asked to come in on her time off wrongful termination tiktok