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Comedian Chris D’Elia Accused Of Sexual Misconduct By Dozens Of Underage Girls

You may have never heard of semi-famous comedian Chris D’Elia, but here are two reference points to jog your memory: he does that very good impression of Eminem rapping and he plays a sexual predator comedian on the second season of the Netflix series You. And now you’ll have a third point of reference, which is that he has been accused of being an actual sexual predator comedian by dozens of girls and women. I suspect this will become the thing he is best known for very soon.

The deluge of allegations began when a Twitter user posting under the name Simoné and the handle @girlpowertbh shared her story of being allegedly approached and groomed by D’Elia when she was 16 years old, including screenshots of emails from him that suggest she send “pics” and that they should make out.

Simoné says that she used to be embarrassed for responding to him when he contacted her over DM, but she has since come to realize that his fame and being twice her age created a drastic power imbalance and it wasn’t her fault. She wanted to come forward because she was sure he was likely doing the same thing to other young women and girls:

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And yes, it certainly seems as though he was. Woman after woman has come forward with accusations about D’Elia, including everything from unsolicited DMs to underage girls to sleeping with women incapacitated by alcohol (D’Elia is sober).

The Twitter account @SheRatesDogs started to chain the accusations together to help keep track of them and accepted DMs from people who said they had experiences with the comedian as well, which she started sharing:

Honestly, there are so many and more and more keep coming out.

There are a number of things to be said about all of this, one of which is that D’Elia has not been charged with anything as of yet, and there may not ever be anything to ever charge him with. Age of consent laws vary from state to state and this is a man that travels. All of these stories remain allegations and unproven. But they’re also now well-known, which would make it much more difficult for any alleged predator to continue to operate. 

The other thing many people pointed out what that this guy sure gets cast as a pedophile a lot:

I must admit, I hope he never gets cast as anything again.