Pregnant Influencer Makes Instagram Account For Her Unborn Kid, Sparks Debate About Social Media

Charlotte, North Carolina-based beauty and fashion influencer Temitope Adesina is pregnant. And like most influencers, she’s finding ways to use her pregnancy to bolster her brand. One of the most unconventional? Giving her unborn child its own Instagram account to engage with her account in conversation. And social media users have a lot of opinions about Adesina’s choice. 

Adesina, who promotes Palmer’s oils and creams on her account, took on the persona of her unborn baby to chat back and forth with her account. 

“Mommy, is that me?” writes the unborn baby, aka Instagram user @naturallybabytemi, to Adesina’s account. 

“Of course it’s you my princess,” Adesina replies with a heart emoji.

There are some more exchanges, which are either adorable or creepy depending on who you ask. One Twitter user’s post about Adesina’s Instagram account went viral, with folks expressing disgust at setting an unborn child up on the Internet already and exploiting them or defending Adesina and explaining how it’s totally relatable and normal for pregnant women to talk to their unborn baby. 


Regardless, Adesina’s original post got way more attention than it would have. So I know at least one party who is pleased right now, and that’s definitely Palmers. 

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.