Tweets Women Give Honest Reasons They Don’t Want Kids, In Response To Declining Birth Rates (30 Tweets) by Kate Hackett May 7, 2021 21. 22. Imagine that!With shit wages, shit benefits, and a planet being eaten alive by the wealthy and corporations, people don't want to bring another life into this world. Who could have guessed! — DrDFox (@DrDFox1) May 5, 2021 23. On one hand you have to give up everything from oysters to alcohol to amusement parks to saunas for the better part of an entire year but on the other hand it costs more than a house used to cost if anything goes wrong but at least it also might kill or maim you permanently — Erin "Skeleton Factory" Ryan (@morninggloria) May 5, 2021 24. The structure of our society, for the majority of us, is not conducive to healthy family life/child rearing. We're all drowning financially and stressed so having kids lacks common sense in this climate. — Katherine (@WelshKthrn) May 5, 2021 25. Not to mention doing basically nothing to ensure their children will have a planet that is livable… — Sara Jacobs (@SaraJacobsCA) May 6, 2021 26. 27. Also, existence is hard and I'm not sure why foisting it on another being is automatically considered selfless. — Preety Sidhu (@_preetysidhu) May 5, 2021 28. 29. The “American Dream” is not attainable for my age bracket. I have $110k in student loans, credit card debt, and the highest paying job I’ve had was $50k a year after getting an MA. A house, marriage, and child are out of the question; I can't afford myself. — Anna C (@Acliz12) May 6, 2021 30. Every reason not to have a baby is a valid reason. It requires a lot of work, money, and sacrifice to care for a baby, far more than anyone realizes before making the decision to have a baby, knowing that it's going to take a lot. It's not something anyone should do lightly. — Big boy bibs for ribs (@powerchowder69) May 5, 2021 Page 3 of 3Previous page 123Next post Kate Hackett