How To Spot Anti-Homeless Architecture — An Educational Thread

America’s homeless problem is only getting worse and deligating proper resources to help people in need is also something people can’t seem to agree on. 

Although this issue can’t be solved in a Twitter thread, calling out when things need to change can help become part of the solution.

The Big Issue published an article on how to spot anti-homeless architecture and it’s really eye-opening, especially if you don’t live in a big city where it may be less prevalent.

They have some suggestions for helping make public spaces more inclusive saying, “Drawing attention to a design and its impact may help convince those responsible to change it. That could be protesting, posting on social media, sending it to @hostiledesign, or contacting local press.”

The Twitter account @hostiledesign calls out hostile architecture that’s anti-homeless. Here are some of the submissions they’ve received: