Have you ever just not gotten the hint that someone is into you? It happens more than we realize! On Twitter, @TheDavidDrake posted a story about the time he didn’t realize someone was hitting on him — and went viral and also inspired folks to share their stories. “In high school I went to a sleepover and the girl I liked climbed into bed with me and she started tickling me and I was like ‘hahaha okay well time for bed’ and I think about that twice every five minutes,” he wrote. These tweets are all hilarious and wholesome and sure to remind you of something that went way over your head when you were younger (or older, no judging).
In college after a waitering job, this cute waitress said to me "let's go to my place, no one is going to be home". I said "how is there going to be no one at home if we are going there?". She went home alone and I think about that everytime I am at home now.
— David Liu (@dav3liu) January 17, 2022
one time i smoked for the first time with a girl i liked a lot n & she said “i heard you’re supposed to kiss after you smoke for the first time” n i said “haha, that’s not a real thing i don’t think”
— JohnDough (@stopthinkingan1) January 17, 2022
In college I was bar backing and a really attractive bartender wanted me to walk her to her car for safety and then suggested I ride with her back to her place to make sure she got home safe, and I said, "then how am I going to get back to my car?" and then she left.
— Todd Hoyer (@toddhoyer) January 17, 2022
Back in high school, I was chatting with this one girl I liked in my youth group about how my prom date cancelled on me and she gave me a definite "look" and said "I'd like to go to prom, but I don't have a date" and I was like "Yeah, we're in the same boat. This sucks."
— Tendafoot (@kuhlthing) January 17, 2022
I once had a girl walk allllll the way across a crowded pub to ask me what the time was.
I told her the time, and went back to my conversation. She left.
My friend slapped me.
— Huw Pritchard (@HP_Chap) January 17, 2022
In highschool my family was gone so I had the house to myself and threw a party. At the end of the night this girl I liked said “I’ll just spend the night here” I said “You don’t want to go?” She was like “It’s cold”🥺
So I got a sweater for her and sent her on her way.
Wtf man— Mickey (@1andOnlyMickey) January 17, 2022
In highschool my family was gone so I had the house to myself and threw a party. At the end of the night this girl I liked said “I’ll just spend the night here” I said “You don’t want to go?” She was like “It’s cold”🥺
So I got a sweater for her and sent her on her way.
Wtf man— Mickey (@1andOnlyMickey) January 17, 2022
In high school, a cute upperclassman invited me to her house for lunch because her parents weren't going to be home.
Me (without blinking): I'm not allowed to go off campus for lunch.
— G. "Clay" Mitchell (@GClayMitchell1) January 17, 2022
The first time i got contacted on AIM, I didn't know what it was, thought it was a hacker like when Morpheus messaged Neo in the Matrix. I didn't realize that it was the girl I liked until after I said "leave me alone, I'm telling my grandad you're messing with his computer"
— Ozark Mtn Beardevil (@MarximusHix) January 17, 2022
One time I college the girl I liked asked if I wanted to fingerpaint with her and at some point she started wiping paint on my face and I was like “WHOA WHOA WHOA, very funny let’s get back to the painting” and that was that.
— Vin Brue (@VincentBrue) January 17, 2022
I was chatting with this woman I liked at work about going to see this limited release movie, and she was like "that sounds really cool. I'd like to see it" and I said "Yeah, I'm going with my sister. We'll bye!"
A week or so later, she asked me out. We're married now.
— Tendafoot (@kuhlthing) January 17, 2022
In my 20's, I went to lunch w/ a very attractive law student. Lunch went great, she asked me if I wanted to go out the next night. Said I was house sitting for a friend. She said I can help you. I said it's not that hard, I'll be OK. Over at that point, she is now a rich lawyer!
— Iowa Punt Returner (@IAPuntReturner) January 17, 2022
Moved into my college dorm the first semester of college, had a knock on my door the first night and a cute girl said she was looking for a "cuddle buddy" for the night to help her sleep. I told her that it didn't sound safe and shut the door on her. 🤦
— Ryan MacNicol (@ryanmacnicol) January 17, 2022
One time in college I took my roommates car and drove this girl I liked home and she took the keys out of the ignition and dropped them down her shirt and said she wasn’t going to give them to me until I came in and I said the car must go back tonight so I guess we just sit here
— The Polish Trifle (@thepolishtrifle) January 17, 2022
I was in college and there was a group of us at this one girl’s apartment after a night out. At one point in the night the girl said to me “do you want to come into my room and help me look for something”. To which I replied “why can’t [roommate] help?”
— James Nagrom (@MetaWootenPeace) January 17, 2022
At a hostel in Europe almost 20 years ago this girl and I were alone in a dorm and she said something about her “breasts being too big” and wanting to sleep naked, and asked if I could help her unhook her bra. I did, then left because obv she wanted to sleep.
— Carter Gill PhD (@cartergill) January 18, 2022
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