People Are Sharing The Lies They Got Away With (Until Just Now)

Ah, human language. It allows us to communicate our feelings, figure out complicated philosophical issues, and unite huge groups of people. It also allows us to make up absolute whoppers to tell our friends and family for absolutely no reason. And old Twitter thread started by @MoosAllain in 2017 is circulating again, maybe because of a recent resurgence of interest in weird and useless facts. The next step is clearly made up and useless “facts.”

The Moose kicked things off just by sharing a story about convincing a friend that Dutch cars don’t have handbrakes, and untrue thing. Why did he do that? Who knows.

There are a lot of people out there lying on their friends for no reason, and some of their lies are pretty funny and harmless. Some of them are lies they told their kids, the easiest marks of all. Being a parent has to be fun some of the time, right? Read through for ideas, if you can’t come up with any convincing lies on your own.








